_THE_ Joey Sturgis POD patch preset settings HERE!

EDIT: about the room size, he definitely has it set to 0, the "room size" just adds some not hot sounding early reflections, which, to be honest, sounds gash.
the Source would be me standing in his studio/garage and him saying No Room.....but it doesn't matter whatever

I actually found it myself and added it to the list.


I also found joey's guitar bus processing settings:


q1, 12khz low pass
psp vintage warmer, +4 drive, 10% knee, 50% speed, 0 everything else
c4, push the lows down
waves s1 shuffler on preset "subtle widening"

Originally Posted by narcossintese
I was thinking about all the fuzz around the people who comes here asking for POD patches.
I can totally understand people getting pissed with users who refuse to use the search/read the FAQ and just create threads that have already been discussed before. It´s really annoying, fact.

On the other hand I think people here are too grumpy sometimes. You know, like bashing a guy who created a thread without using the search, but also bashing other guy for reviving an old thread that he found using the search. Actually people get angry/roll their eyes when anyone ask for any patch.....

Not only "bingo" but I think that there are folks here that lurk with the sole purpose of jumping on folks who ask questions that they think have been answered.

I can see if a question is asked on Monday. And later that day and the next day the original poster is reposting, still begging for an answer.

But thats not how it does down.

You ask a question and here they come!!!! They've been waiting for ya!!!! It takes about 45 sec for someone to take the time to help you out by telling you to use the search box.

Maybe they already did? Maybe their question is a bit specific for the search box? Did you ever think that due to all the rechnology changes/updates/patches/new products/etc that "old" info may not be best? I doubt it...

We all have new experiences every day. If I answered a post 6 months ago regarding a piece of gear I own and someone asked about, and since then I have had to take it to the shop 3x, my original response praising it isnt really how I feel anymore is it???? I'd rather someone ask again.

Its very easy, I repeat VERY easy to ignore posts that you dont feel like responding to or are unable to help out with.

Try it sometime.

Rather than acting like a lifeguard at the public pool who just loves blowing their whistle.

You were in need of info at one time too. And will be again some day. Treat others how you want to be treated.
I actually thought the gain was much lower for any of his productions. All my patches have around 30% gain on the tube screamer and I get a big sound. If I ever want to get close to TDWP or something, I would use lots of mids turn drive to 0 gain to 30% and 75% tone. And if I go over 50% it gives more of a deathcore or grindcore (idk the difference because I just don't listen to it very much) sound which I've never recorded before.
Are you referring to the patch I made based on the settings in the OP? If so then you need to read the patch notes. They are the starting point, as it says in the OP you need to adjust from there to what you need. If you notice gain, bass, mid, treb are all at 50% for a reason.. :lol:
tombomb, i asked for patches when i was beginning to record.
my problem was my shitty guitar. it always sounded bad...
now i make my own patches and i only ask info if some mix surprised me.
My only problem is you're just giving away this guy's settings. He probably spent plenty of countless hours figuring this stuff out and you give it all away.

Joey gave bits and pieces of the settings away himself (sources at the bottom of the OP), I just compiled them all into one post

I would rather spend countless hours figuring out a sound for myself because in the end I become more knowledgeable on guitar recording.

...and that is the point of learning. Those who come only for the patch never will, and usually soon run out of interest and quit. That is why the patch itself we gave out is useless as is; You have to tweak it to make it sound better on your setup.
My only problem is you're just giving away this guy's settings. He probably spent plenty of countless hours figuring this stuff out and you give it all away.

So why exactly do you need an audio forum? Just to showoff?

I know I've only been at this for about 4 months but it's not right to just give away a cheat sheet because of the annoyance of noobs looking for patches.

Cheat? This forum isn´t a competition. It´s a colaboration of people that just want to sound better helping each other.

I think we are starting to show ourselves as weak right now and we must stay strong by not giving in to the noobs on this forum. Just ignore people like veronicafalls and eternally_gutted who just want an easy way, let them figure it out and delete this post. It may not be popular but I think it's only fair because I put countless hours into making my own settings in podfarm, lepou, whatever, and they should too.


I feel like this forum is steering towards communism where everybody gets fed/paid the same patches and settings for an unequal amount of work(learning/searching).

So why exactly do you need an audio forum? Just to showoff?

I'm just saying we should be, as a forum steering people in the right direction not giving them 100%. Instead of asking for patches and settings it should be more of asking for tips on what each knob does to get to that point. And how to teach yourself to get similar sounds or to make up your own sound. I love recording because if their is a band that has a lack of tone and doesn't want to sound like a particular band I can be creative and give them a sound I envision as a producer.

Cheat? This forum isn´t a competition. It´s a colaboration of people that just want to sound better helping each other.

Nope it's not but music is a competitive business though. But I do want to record more bands than my buddy four blocks down from me.

Not all over the carpet!!!!:ill:

hahaha I facepalmed myself after I typed that. btw that's funny how all those facepalms make one big one, especially the famous captain kirk one.
This is fucking ridiculous. The forum is full of info on how to make a good tone. Even so, the noobs want a preset with the perfect tone:zombie: They clearly dont know shit, How can this noobs expect the same tone as Joey if they havent the same gear, hands, mixing skills. Yeah I am being a dick but only because this makes no funcking sense and it´s annoying. To the noobs, search for info, read, read, read, try to understand, practice, practice, practice, move your fucking ass, dont expect for someone to do the perfect presets for your mixes.
Well, my argument is that a preset IS "reading". It´s something to study and think about. It´s just a bunch of info that may help a lot, even for developing your own sound, just like Andy answers on Noise101. But I´m done with this shit LOL
Good 2010 for you all : P