_THE_ Joey Sturgis POD patch preset settings HERE!

the drive starts working with as little as 10%

and the pedal its self can be heard as soon as its in the chain because its overall frequency response

if using a tubescreamer in the real world, i recommend the dx+ or whatever , because it has the bass adjustment "boost" / "turbo".

Rex Rocker said:
I think the confusion is kinda on how they named that parameter on the Screamer model. They named it 'Gain' instead of 'Level', but it's still the same thing.

I understand that the software version of the real thing has a different name. All I was saying is that I was surprised to see so much drive/gain/overdrive/distortion/input-volume/etc being applied to the guitar signal before it even hits the amp which also has drive/gain/distortion/etc.

Thanks for the heads up on the DX+, Joey. I've often thought about upgrading my pre-gain pedal to something a little more ballsy. Do you reckon a tubescreamer would have much desirable effect with a solidstate amp, the podxt pro into a poweramp, even?
Also, I'm still curious if your use of such high pre-gain in the guitar signal has anything to do with noise gate settings.
i prefer 2 noise gates. i've talked to a lot of touring bands that NEED that much gating with their level of gain. Most i've talked to like to run a light gate before the amp, but after a TS, then another through the FX Loops of the amp.

With an amp like mine (6505+) that's pretty much needed if you're running a tube screamer to make it sound like you're amps off when you're not playing.
i prefer 2 noise gates. i've talked to a lot of touring bands that NEED that much gating with their level of gain. Most i've talked to like to run a light gate before the amp, but after a TS, then another through the FX Loops of the amp.

With an amp like mine (6505+) that's pretty much needed if you're running a tube screamer to make it sound like you're amps off when you're not playing.

Yup, I run a NS-2 on the front end, and a Hush Super C in the FX Loop. Its deader than Chelsea's nuts in between chugs.
Hey, kinda late to butt in on this convo. But I am 16 and am really into recording, and I would like to start using triggers instead of mics (besides overheads) for my drum tracking, what all equipment do i need for this, and how does it work?

Thanks -Lane
would this work if i had the small desktop pod GX


and then just used the metal pack on that?


or do you NEED the equiptment listed to get this sound? i dont see why it would sound any different

Yes, that would work.

Does anyone know if its even possible to achieve a good tone for recording WITHOUT metal pack? I've tried for hours, but all I'm able to get is shit :/

Incredibly frustrating.
yes it is

the spinal puppet is decentish with the line six 2001 4x12 cab with the dynamic on axis 0 room

fiddle with it but dont over gain it
I got a half decent tone the other day using a combo of the dual rectifier sim with the treadplate cab and the orange sim into the green 20's cab. I still think the triple rec sim is the best on the pod though.
so im using "the patch" but im not sure on how to eq it. any suggestions on which eq to use in logic for high pass low pass high cut low cut etc. or Waves plugins. thanks