A blind test: Peavey 5150 vs AMT P1 (video)

I'm going to guess B is the 5150, but either way I think both sound fine.
I'm just going to ignore what people have said above since I disagree with all of them. :D

Out of those four clips I like the Riff1 Sound A best. I don't care what amp it is but it sounds best. The sound B of that was a darker version of that. Sound A sounds like there is more power behind it.

The Riff two feels like you reversed the sounds. The sound B on that was better IMO and sound A was the dark version of that. I preferred the sound B in that riff.

So if I assume that the Peavey "should sound better" my vote would be that "Riff1 sound A" and "Riff2 sound B" are Peavey.
both are slightly different tones but they both work well im impressed.

If i had to guess id say riff 1B and riff 2A are the amp pre and power which would make riff 1A and 2B amt pre and 5150 poweramp

either way thanks a lot for the blind test Max!!

PS: Didnt watch the vid yet
Great tones. I'd say the darker tone is the 5150, it has more of what I know the 5150 to do.

As for which tone I prefer, it's probably the tightness of A. You couldve just bumped the mid range up on the 5150 on that for all i'd know and it'd pass for a 5150 tone fine. Must be the power amp.
I'm actually considering grabbing this pedal to run through my mark IV power section for rhythm tone and then the mark IV for clean/ lead... You may have cemented my idea!
Gotta be honest, I'm having a tough time telling which is which, but I'm definitely much preferring sound A in both examples, very open and dynamic; B in comparison sounds very narrow and nasal IMO - so just going by that (even though it could just be how they're dialed in), I'm guessing A = 5150 and B = AMT - but if not, I've gotta grab one of these!

EDIT: You know what, after watching again, I'm cementing my guesses on A - 5150 and B - AMT, I feel like I'm hearing just a bit of diode-itis in B's clipping, as well as what I perceive to be a "flatter" quality - but I hope I'm wrong!
Honestly, no matter what, that pedal is fucking worth the money, no denying that. I wonder if the others are as good!

I actually never listened to the second riff when I posted earlier, after doing so...I think the others are right in saying that sounds A and B are reversed for the second riff. It REALLY sounds like it...I think positively. So I'm going to say that I think Riff1 SoundB, and Riff2 SoundA, are the 5150.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, gentlemen! It's time to lift the veil and name the clips:

Riff1 sound A is 5150
Riff1 sound B is P1
Riff2 sound A is P1
Riff2 sound B is 5150

Yeah I know P1 had a tad more low-end and sounded more "round" in general. I went as close as possible without any extrenal tone matching - as you know, each tone knob affects the others' behavior so it was the closest match I could do in a halfhour of testing.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, gentlemen! It's time to lift the veil and name the clips:

Riff1 sound A is 5150
Riff1 sound B is P1
Riff2 sound A is P1
Riff2 sound B is 5150

Yeah I know P1 had a tad more low-end and sounded more "round" in general. I went as close as possible without any extrenal tone matching - as you know, each tone knob affects the others' behavior so it was the closest match I could do in a halfhour of testing.

Wow, exactly the opposite from my guess. Good job!
It's time to lift the veil and name the clips:

Riff1 sound A is 5150
Riff1 sound B is P1
Riff2 sound A is P1
Riff2 sound B is 5150

I'm just going to ignore what people have said above since I disagree with all of them. :D

Out of those four clips I like the Riff1 Sound A best. I don't care what amp it is but it sounds best. The sound B of that was a darker version of that. Sound A sounds like there is more power behind it.

The Riff two feels like you reversed the sounds. The sound B on that was better IMO and sound A was the dark version of that. I preferred the sound B in that riff.

So if I assume that the Peavey "should sound better" my vote would be that "Riff1 sound A" and "Riff2 sound B" are Peavey.

both sound really good. thanks for the comparison man!
got to test my p1 on my 5150III mini next week.