A circle pit in 2011!!

Yeah, I mean viking metal is a BS genre. Lyrics are lyrics. They don't define music.

Yup. I twitch every time I see the term "viking metal" used as a subgenre. No. It's death metal with viking-themed lyrics. While lyrics may contribute to a subgenre, they do not necessarily define a subgenre. You need more than just lyrics to create a new subgenre.

tl:dr - I agree.
Anyone ever see head-walking? Be glad it's so difficult to do lol.

At the Gorilla Biscuits reunion tour show years ago I :OMG: when I saw people literally walking on other people's heads and shoulders. Ouch?

Although it was fun to watch, that was just taking it a step too far.
I saw an epic, and I do mean epic, headwalk at a New Gound Glory show about two years ago. I didn't expect this kid to make it very far. Instead he went about a full ten seconds (an eternity in headwalk time) and even managed to change direction in the middle of it. This was at a pretty big place.

A lot of the smaller shows in my area, headwalking is basically impossible because there's either not a thick enough crowd or the ceiling isn't high enough. And once again, I personally wouldn't do it nor do I enjoy getting walked on. But those who are into it, hey, get up front, do your thing, enjoy.
Anyone ever see head-walking? Be glad it's so difficult to do lol.

At the Gorilla Biscuits reunion tour show years ago I :OMG: when I saw people literally walking on other people's heads and shoulders. Ouch?

Although it was fun to watch, that was just taking it a step too far.

headwalking is an art! but just like stage diving with head walking you can see it coming because they are running or diving AT you not being flung upon you from behind like crowd surfing.

if you are at a big hardcore show you can expect stage diving and headwalking.
I doubt any of the old folks at ProgPower would be interested in doing the wall of death. Plus it's hard to do the wall of death when you are sitting down.

* replaces dentures *

Yep, young whippersnapper, except that at least half the audience is standing on the floor during the bigger sets at PP.

I think it's fucking hilarious when a band has to beg for a mosh-pit. If you're that lame to begin with, don't make it even more obvious with a mosh-pit beg-a-thon. Divine Heresy were by FAR the worst at this.
Anyone ever see head-walking? Be glad it's so difficult to do lol.

At the Gorilla Biscuits reunion tour show years ago I :OMG: when I saw people literally walking on other people's heads and shoulders. Ouch?

Although it was fun to watch, that was just taking it a step too far.

Memories... seeing Dave Mustaine stop playing mid-song and ask Ellefson "Did you see that?" when some kid headwalked directly in front of him, stage right to stage left. (1986ish, San Francisco dive... The Stone?)
That would be cool! This will be my second time seeing Santuary! The first was 1988 at the Tower Theater in Philly! Megadeth, Worlock, and Santuary!. They sold alot of Refuge Denied shirts that night! I miss Metal shows at the Tower! We now have to deal with the Lame Electric Factory! Sweat Factory!
Personally, a circle pit is like a touch football game...I got not prob with that...a little pushing, running in a circle...good clean fun.

But IMO this spin-kicking, head-walking, body-climbing, arms-flailing, kick-the-other-guys-ass thing is absolutely retarded...

I was at a Winds Of Plague show and there were these drooling, knuckle-dragging idiot teenagers that kept getting a running start trying to run/climb up people's backs and being absolute DICKS about it...laughing when people would get mad about it. Then they'd do that arm-spining, kicking bullshit and just annoy people to death.

There happened to be a guy beside me with a little grey in his short mowhawk (probably my age, late30s/early 40s) who you could tell had been to his share of shows. About 20 minutes into WoP set with these little douchebags hurting people and disrupting others enjoyment of the show, he proceeed to walk down to the pit area. My son and I were watching him. He kinda blended in there a minute acting like he was getting into it, waiting for one of these dicks to try to run up some poor guys back. As soon as one did, he came up behind him, grabbed him by his Hot Topic belt and slung his ass to the back of the floor. The kid got up all pissed and the old guy got right in his face and just stood there staring at him while this dick kid screamed at him...the old dude calmly said something to him while maintaining this "I will end you" look on his face...then the kid grabbed his buddies and went to the back.

It was awesome. :lol:
well I'd be that mad at people if I were at a Winds of Plague show too :loco:

But really....that stuff is nothing new. It's been going on for decades. It comes with the territory.
Yup. I twitch every time I see the term "viking metal" used as a subgenre. No. It's death metal with viking-themed lyrics. While lyrics may contribute to a subgenre, they do not necessarily define a subgenre. You need more than just lyrics to create a new subgenre.

tl:dr - I agree.

Huh? Viking Metal isn't death metal.