a couple of good japanese metal bands i found progpower worthy

Id rather see CONCERTO MOON or DOUBLE DEALER. Not really a fan of ARK STORM but love some of KATSU OHTA's solo stuff.

Galneryus is ok, but not a band Id wanna see at PP.

I follow the Japan scene pretty good so I know most of the Metal bands old, and new.

Just dont ask for an E.Z.O. reunion lol.
I think the chances of a Japanese act are slim. The only exception would probably be Saeko. The former Fairy Mirror frontwoman is now based in Germany, and has a band of her own. So, if Glenn was going to get a "Japanese" act, It'll be Saeko.
Thanks for those links. I follow the music scene here somewhat closely, but I've never been able to find any Japanese metal bands that I could really get into, aside from X. Galneryus was some solid sounding power metal, though the vocals didn't really do it for me...sounded too much like Edu Falaschi (not a good thing). Good song though. As for the other guys, they had a bit too much of a "prog for prog's sake" kind of thing going on.

Galneryus was good though, I'll look into them. Thanks!
Give me some old school Earthshaker or Anthem and I'd be pretty happy.

Personally, I'd like to check out this band Seikima (sp?). They look like they have a great visual going on, but I only have 1 cd from them.
Yeah, it was a joke, I know who he is, he just looked a little unreal to me in that video.

Yeah, sorry about that. I was at work and annoyed by having to hear someone I work with swear a bunch of times so my thinking abilities were lacking at the time.