A couple of questions


New Metal Member
Oct 6, 2004
Oslo, Norway
I've got a couple of questions and would be more than greatful if someone were to answer them!

1. Everyone says that Alexi got fucked over by Jackson, and therefor chose ESP instead, but what really happened? With is the story?
2. What ever happened to the Tokyo Warhearts tapes? Are they just lying at spinefarms offices collecting dust? What will ever happen to it? Anyone know that for sure? I've got the Silent Night, Bodom night video, but are there any other videos from the Tokyo Warhearts concerts available for downloading through a P2P program?
3. Has there been released any Children of Bodom tab book, or am I just gonna have to stick with the tabs posted on MySongBook?

1. Everyone says that Alexi got fucked over by Jackson, and therefor chose ESP instead, but what really happened? With is the story? That is what happened. When Alexi's Wildchild and Stone guitars got stolen, he went to Jackson to have new guitars made. Jackson had just been bought by Fender, and they told him it would take a year to get him his new custom guitars. So he went elsewhere, to ESP, who said they could get them to him in half the time.
2. What ever happened to the Tokyo Warhearts tapes? Are they just lying at spinefarms offices collecting dust? What will ever happen to it? Anyone know that for sure? I've got the Silent Night, Bodom night video, but are there any other videos from the Tokyo Warhearts concerts available for downloading through a P2P program? Yes they are sitting at Spinefarm's offices. No one can really know if they will release it or what. The Silent Night video found on P2P programs is not the actual video, rather a collection of footage from 2 shows they played in Japan, with audio dubbed over top of it.
3. Has there been released any Children of Bodom tab book, or am I just gonna have to stick with the tabs posted on MySongBook? There hasn't been any tab books released, so yeah, you'll have to make do with the tabs people have created and posted.

That should help you out.