A declaration of love...


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
By Alex Skolnick:

"Guitars Vs Amps

Guitars are cuddly, sexy things. You want to rub your hands all over them, caressing their necks.

It's easy to forget that they come from trees in the forest, not from a man and a woman, like you and I.

The guitar is the perfect mate. It gives back whatever you put in. Even if you just look at it, like a work of art.

Not so with amps. Amps are sterile, mechanical, soulless beings. They're like robots. They exist only to serve the guitar.

You can fall asleep with a guitar in your arms. In younger days, I confess to waking up with a strange guitar next to me.

"Do I know you? What happened last night? I realize this is kind of awkward. Here, let me put you back in your case."

I'd never want to wake up next to an amp.

A guitar has human qualities. A neck, head (which we call headstock) and body. The amp is pure machine. Knobs, lights, casing.

Sorry amps. You're just not as sexy as guitars."

Please discuss!

Nope, disagreed - amps affect tone far more than guitars IMO, so that's where my love is! Not saying guitars aren't important to tone, but I'd much rather play a $200 ESP LTD through my Rectifier half stack than any awesome $5k guitar through a First Act! Think of it as a "function over form" love affair, I suppose :D (but I still drool over beautiful guitars, but within reason - I feel like spending more than $2k on a guitar is pure self indulgence, and really won't net any tonal benefits, at least not for high-gain metal!)