A few Ebay items: Hammers of Misfortune, Agalloch & Inquisition...

I haven't, but considering the praise I've seen for D666 from virtually every person that has mentioned them, I decided it was time! Definitely excited to hear them and I want them to arrive NOW!

My advice, start with Phoenix Rising followed by Cold Steel... For an Iron Age and Terror Abraxas, then work your way into the mystical Unchain the Wolves. Skip Violence is the Prince of this World until you've absorbed the rest as it's the only non-essential album.

Vittra said:
It'd be perfect if after you get The Bastard sold they finally re-issue it. Win/Win for everyone (Except the buyer? :))

I agree with Jerry, unless a reissue corrects a fatal flaw with the sound, I'd always rather have the original copy, even if it means getting it at a premium.
When did $30 become a barrel load of money? (Avg price of two recently released cds)

This week I spent $85 & $43 respectively on first pressings of Stream From the Heavens and Min Tid Skal Komme, for no other reason than I wanted the originals in the packaging the artist intended the work to be presented in, without silly live, demo, remix tracks tacked on to the end. Does anybody want to hear sub-par garage dm (Eternal Soul Torture) after listening to the majesty that is Orchid? I sure as hell don't.
I wanted the originals in the packaging the artist intended the work to be presented in,
This is mostly bullshit, with some exceptions. If it was up to the artist, everyone would release special mega super editions with inflatable fuck-dolls, 3D glasses and twigs from transilvanian forests.
without silly live, demo, remix tracks tacked on to the end
Agreed! Re-releasing stuff like that is all fine and dandy, but on a bonus disc or a separate release.
Not really considering first pressings beat the shit out of shitty re-issues loaded with crappy bonus tracks and half assed artwork. Which is the case 95% of the time.

We've had this discussion before.

What if it's a Vinyl re-released as a CD and you only buy CD releases?

Same scenario, but a tape re-released as CD? (Far more common, especially with the BM you and I would listen to, Forest and Branikald are good examples)

What if the re-release is exactly the same as the original? (Which would likely be the case with The Bastard)

What about box sets that include old material?

Negura Bunget is an excellent example of this in multiple aspects. The original trilogy boxset had way better artwork in my opinion (and the 3 CDs formed an entire scene). Also, the new boxset/individual releases recently by Prophecy Productions in regards to Zirnindu-Sa and Sala Molksa in specific are 2CD releases, the original on one, the alternate recording (whether previously old and unreleased or new) on a separate one

What about re-releases of old albums that are significantly better, like the Dark Forest album I bought from you Jason? The old version has a drum machine, the new version has a drummer and is regarded as far better.

What about Primordial's A Journey's End? Re-released with alternate artwork that the band ORIGINALLY wanted on the album, and yes, with bonus tracks.

To be honest I agree with both of you in essence, especially if it's an album I REALLY enjoy I will likely go out of my way to get the original, but it's not as incredibly black and white as you paint it.

My advice, start with Phoenix Rising followed by Cold Steel... For an Iron Age and Terror Abraxas, then work your way into the mystical Unchain the Wolves. Skip Violence is the Prince of this World until you've absorbed the rest as it's the only non-essential album.

I agree with Jerry, unless a reissue corrects a fatal flaw with the sound, I'd always rather have the original copy, even if it means getting it at a premium.

Will definitely do that, thanks :)
This is mostly bullshit, with some exceptions. If it was up to the artist, everyone would release special mega super editions with inflatable fuck-dolls, 3D glasses and twigs from transilvanian forests.
Agreed! Re-releasing stuff like that is all fine and dandy, but on a bonus disc or a separate release.

I think most bands would include a life sized Helga von Feralburg with every disc if they were not constrained by a budget. These labels after all are striving to break even here. But in all seriousness, can you name some re-releases where the artwork trumped the original? Whether or not the artists have a defined vision of how their work should be presented is moot when the re-release looks like the art was penned by the hand of a dirty chemist.

Jon, you make some valid points that I certainly would take in consideration on a case by case basis. My blanket statement speaks for the majority of re-releases shot in to circulation. Would I rather pay $50 for a 1stPress with original artwork & 8 tracks of music or $15 bucks for a re-release with half assed artwork, 4 bonus tracks, 2 of which are live versions of songs already on the album in question. It's a no-brainer. All that added fluff does nothing but kill the flow and experience of the album. Even if I press stop after the original recording is over, chances are that 3 seconds of sub-par garbage is going to make it out of the speakers killing any and all buzz that I had from the listening session.

Best example of a horrible reissue is Anathema's Eternity

1. Sentient
2. Angelica
3. The Beloved
4. Eternity, Part I
5. Eternity, Part II
6. Hope
7. Suicide Veil
8. Radiance
9. Far Away
10. Eternity, Part III
11. Cries on the Wind
12. Ascension
13. Far Away (acoustic)
14. Eternity Part III (acoustic)

Acoustic versions of tracks which played just 4 songs prior, really!?? Absolutely pointless.

An example of a good re-issue is Eucharist's Velvet Creation. Subtle changes done to the cover art with two studio bonus tracks which could only be previously attained on a compilation. These tracks elevate the release beyond the scope of the original.
hey I have this Eternity tracklisting :)

technically it's not a re-release since the bonuses came with the "original" ltd. digipack.

That being said, the album ends at track 12, as far as I'm concerned.
hey I have this Eternity tracklisting :)

technically it's not a re-release since the bonuses came with the "original" ltd. digipack..

I stand corrected, though my point still stands. Speaking of Anathema, that live track closing out the Peaceville Re-Issue of Alternative 4 may be the worst piece of shit I've ever laid my ears on. Completely inaudible, aside from the noodle dancing dunces in the audience shouting encouragement through their cavity filled molars. (Assuming they're Brits)
eBay has become a real hassle if you're a seller. ever since they took away the power of sellers to leave negative feedback i've had more deadbeat bidders than ever. they simply have no fear, because nothing will happen, except a slap on the wrist.

i just don't understand why you would bid on something if you know you're not going to pay for it...???

they seriously need to give that power back to the sellers.

on topic: i think i sold the bastard within a week or so of getting it. it was bad. i remember buying OSWAP for like $8 from The End. easily agalloch's best stuff.
There are a lot of faggots that bid on things just to raise the price (especially if they can't afford it). I knew a moron that used to do this all the time. Fucking stupid.

Essentially if they do this and end up somehow winning the auction... yeah they won't pay.
About the re-issue discussion, in a nutshell I'm only interested if people I trust inform me that it's worth owning over the original or if I know for a fact that the sound has been greatly improved (i.e. the Dark Forest Vittra referred to). Otherwise I'll generally pass.

About Ebay, yeah, the new format is terrible in terms of how it screws the sellers. You can't even accept money orders or checks anymore on CD listings because they want to force you to only accept Paypal where they get a piece of the payment after they already got a piece of the listing and final value fees. It's unreal. The inability to leave negative feedback is beyond comprehension. I had one buyer simply win and never contact me. Then when I was forced to open the payment dispute the guy closed his account without even responding. Unreal.
Let me do two things...

1. Give it one more spin. Haven't spun this in years and my tastes are always evolving.

2. See how much Jason's go for. If $20 is in the ballpark, you got a deal.

Good plan Greg. I know it took me several spins over time to learn to truly appreciate it. That said, I was a huge fan of "The August Engine" from the word go and I know it didn't do much for you if I recall correctly, so your opinion may remain the same.
The inability to leave negative feedback is beyond comprehension.

Absolutely nonsensical. I can understand wanting to protect buyers from negative feedback retaliation, but how hard would it be for them to give auto pos feedback to buyers who pay with in 3 days of purchase? If payment isn't sent within one week's time, then that leaves the buyer open for negative repping. Pretty logical aye?
I can understand wanting to protect buyers from negative feedback retaliation

And so can I, but what they absolutely fail to recognize is that it works both ways. There's no rhyme or reason as to who leaves feedback first, so either the buyer OR the seller could retaliate with unfair negative feedback. It makes absolutely no sense to have a policy that enables the buyer to continue to be able to leave both fair *and* unfair negative feedback and not have the seller be able to leave negative feedback of any kind.

Reign in Acai said:
If payment isn't sent within one week's time, then that leaves the buyer open for negative repping. Pretty logical aye?

100% logical. Not only would said buyer deserve it, but it would also warn other sellers to stay away from that buyer if they see the buyer bidding on their listings.