A few Ebay items: Hammers of Misfortune, Agalloch & Inquisition...

Hmmm, might not grab that. I haven't listened to them yet but heard good things, 30 blind buy is a bit steep for me.
Yeah, I hear ya - it's all a matter of means. It'll be tough to score that one cheap until they they finally get around to re-releasing it.

i support your move there don’t worry. I’ll just keep stalking around for someone who’ll sell his unaware of its OOP status. Happens all the time, only you have to be there. A few years ago I got my copy of Arckanum’s Kostogher for 6 euros at a time when it was going for around 70-90 on eGay. Same went for Obtained Enslavement’s Witchcraft and Hirilorn’s Legend of Evil and Eternal Death. Got both of those for under 5 euro and they were downright OOP and dearly sought after.
Looks like your auctions are off to a good start :kickass:

OSWAP may even hit $100 for you, gotta love how well that album sells.

@Ellestin those are some incredible catches :kickass:
Looks like your auctions are off to a good start :kickass:

Definitely some nice momentum to kick things off. BTW, have you actually ever heard those D666 albums I mailed to you? If not, oh man are you in for a treat.

Vittra said:
OSWAP may even hit $100 for you, gotta love how well that album sells.

I think it'll even go well beyond that. Last one up I saw go for over $150 and I've seen it go over $200 in the past on a few separate occasions. Definitely a case of demand vs. supply.

Vittra said:
@Ellestin those are some incredible catches :kickass:

Agreed, excellent scores Ellestin!

Definitely some nice momentum to kick things off. BTW, have you actually ever heard those D666 albums I mailed to you? If not, oh man are you in for a treat.

I haven't, but considering the praise I've seen for D666 from virtually every person that has mentioned them, I decided it was time! Definitely excited to hear them and I want them to arrive NOW!

I had no idea OSWAP sells for $150+ now, haha wow.

It'd be perfect if after you get The Bastard sold they finally re-issue it. Win/Win for everyone (Except the buyer? :))
It'd be perfect if after you get The Bastard sold they finally re-issue it. Win/Win for everyone (Except the buyer? :))

Not really considering first pressings beat the shit out of shitty re-issues loaded with crappy bonus tracks and half assed artwork. Which is the case 95% of the time.