A few Ebay items: Hammers of Misfortune, Agalloch & Inquisition...

Nah, I'm sure it'll hit much higher than that. Again it's all about rarity (supply and demand). Hell, there are Metallica singles from the late 80's that fetch upwards of $1,000 at times. Not bad for 2-3 songs.

Anyway, I have about 40 people watching it and that number has only increased in the last few hours.
I'm still pissed that I gave my copy to a friend about a year after it was released because I never listened to it.

edit: Inquisition is MINE. BWAHAHAHAHA. The great thing...when I went to pay I remembered that I had an eBay gift card. I thought it had like $5 on it. Nope. It had $25.53 on it. That's right. This piece of art ended up being less than $4. Needless to say, I am currently in possession of a turgid shaft.