A Formal Apology


Oct 26, 2009
Hi everybody.

So to some people, the people who haven't talked to me personally talked to me, I owe an apology to you all.

In the past I've probably come off as a prideful d-bag who doesn't listen to people's advice. I am sorry about that, and please know that if there's one thing that this wonderful thread has taught me; it is humility!

I recently looked through some of my past posts thinking "wow.. Did I really say that".. But please know that I'm now making an honest effort to kind of 'start over' in this thread. I hope you've noticed it. No more bitch fits from me. And I'd absolutely LOVE if you could all do the same with me. I'm done being the "nsguitar" you all know.

So once again, sorry, and thanks for being badass!
Good for you. I don't trust you but it's not like you have to care, really. Your mixes are really good though so I hope one day you will finally contribute something helpful to this forum.
Good for you. I don't trust you but it's not like you have to care, really. Your mixes are really good though so I hope one day you will finally contribute something helpful to this forum.

Contribute what? I've contributed a song to mix before. All of the stems from the tune. I thought that was pretty cool. :cry:
Only read it, didn't go into anything with the whole SSL n zhit argue fun..anyhow..I think it takes courage to "come back" like this. It's easy to think, fuck 'em on an internet forum and maybe register with a new username, but instead post an apology.
Am I allowed to make a joke about this apology needing more SSL? Or would that be in bad taste? :p
Spend more time shreddin and less time trollin, you're a monster player dude.

+1 .... oh and does this mean I cant hire you to Master my next Cd with all that massive SSL gear you have :p

Apology accepted my my pals, but the SSL jokes will never go away. Its TOO BIG of a meme! You just have to live with being the SSL guy forever!

Its good to see you turning over a new leaf dude. A guy with your talent and skills is needed around these parts. Now just start helping out the young new guys. Give them something to look forward to coming here and reading other then meme's :)

Your mixes are good enough to help people out with, and your guitar skills are far superior to most here (no offense anyone but this kid is sick). Use those talents to inspire the next generation :)
+1 .... oh and does this mean I cant hire you to Master my next Cd with all that massive SSL gear you have :p

Apology accepted my my pals, but the SSL jokes will never go away. Its TOO BIG of a meme! You just have to live with being the SSL guy forever!

Its good to see you turning over a new leaf dude. A guy with your talent and skills is needed around these parts. Now just start helping out the young new guys. Give them something to look forward to coming here and reading other then meme's :)

Your mixes are good enough to help people out with, and your guitar skills are far superior to most here (no offense anyone but this kid is sick). Use those talents to inspire the next generation :)
Thank you Guru!

I'm cool with the SSL thing. I think it's hilarious.
Just a question, did NSGUITAR ever say he had SSL hardware? Ever? As far as I know, not that I keep up with it, I've only ever seen him say he has the plug-ins from Waves and that's it. So, forgive me, but I do not understand the incessant antagonizing comments about SSL whenever he is mentioned or posts in a thread or posts a mix of his.
Just a question, did NSGUITAR ever say he had SSL hardware? Ever? As far as I know, not that I keep up with it, I've only ever seen him say he has the plug-ins from Waves and that's it. So, forgive me, but I do not understand the incessant antagonizing comments about SSL whenever he is mentioned or posts in a thread or posts a mix of his.

I think it was something saying he had real drums using the SSL plug or some shit and it was ezdrummer. I could be mixing 2 of the memes together, dudes got so many, i dont even know anymore