A Funny Joke

HAHA- oh wait, that wasn't funny... How about this one: Why'd the chicken cross the road? How should I know? I am not a chicken!
A preist and a Rabbi are standing outside a chuch and a 10 year old boy walks by.....the Preist says "hey lets take him inside and Fuck him" and then the Rabbi says "out of what?" sorry :lol:
A lawyer, a doctor, and a priest see a ship full of pre-schoolers begin to sink. The doctor yells "Save the children, save the children". The lawyer yells "Fuck the children, fuck the children". The priest yells "I don't think there's enough time for that right now!"
A white horse walks into a bar. The barman says to him "Hey, we've got a drink named after you." And the white horse says "What, Fred?"
A panda walks into a restaurant, eats, shoots the waiter, and then leaves. The police eventually catches up with the panda and arrests him. They then ask him why he did it. The panda said "look in the encyclopedia." So they get out their encyclopedia, look up panda, and find that pandas apparently "eats shoots and leaves."

*drum roll*

What an abysmally bad joke :/
A baby bear was sitting on the edge of a cliff, shelling and eating peanuts. His dad comes up behind him and says: "What are you doing son?", and the baby says "Nutting" haha.

Heres a good one, dont get offended please.

It is 2040 and a man and his son are walking past the twin towers memorial site. The boy looks up at his dad and asks "What were the twin towers dad?" and the father replies "They were two buildings that killed a lot of people when the Arabs flew planes into them". They continue walking, and the boy stops and asks "Dad, whats an Arab?"

YES!!! 11 cheers for the SImpsons, hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray hip-hip-hooray!