A Gift to You Guys from STEVEN SLATE DRUMS


Jan 2, 2007
The sneap forum guys have really supported Steven Slate Drums and have sent me some of the most insane mixes using my hits and now its my chance to give back. For Sneap forum guys only, this weekend you can grab my hits with full free upgrade to V2 when it arrives, for 20% off. Hit up the following link and keep sending me stuff, it all rocks.

Yes. Free shipping everywhere. We'll send that f'ing package to MARS for free as long as your a Sneaper.
Very cool of you man, I just ordered em. Great to see that fellow musician's are taking care of their customers, major props to you.

Question, is V2 finished yet and will it ship with this order? Also, does V2 have full cymbals? ie: High hat, crash, ride, china, etc.???

thanks again man,

V2 isn't quite ready for primetime quite yet. The big issue is that there is a huge demand for ambience only samples so I had to go back and do that for EVERYTHING, all the new hits, all the cymbals (btw there will be very detailed cymbals with a lot of velocities) and now we are reediting the new Z4 ambience tracks. So its coming, and it'll be a free upgrade.

You guys can probably tell we are a small operation so the support of the Sneap forum has definitley been noticed, hope this discount helps some of you out who were wanting the hits.
Awwch, arse!

Lets see if it makes it to Scotland first!

Funny Story, my band recently had tshirts printed and my vocalist studies in England most of the eyar so he dealt with it. I do contracts and business, he does merch.

anyhoo, he sent a huge batch of them off, and the one to AUSTRALIA made it before the one to SCOTLAND reached me.

I have little faith in UK post :lol:
I'm not going to lie, UK post has lost more of our packages then any other country. But we'll keep sending them over! And as for Chile, I think we've actually done a few packages there which have arrived safely. We declare the value as 1.00 and the item as a gift, so no worries about taxes and such. Don't know about Mars but we'll figure it out I'm sure. A lot of you have already taken advantage of this weekend's discount so I better see some mixes posted!!
No worries, a ton more sneapers are taking advantage of the weekend discount so I'm really happy that its all working out and that its giving people a chance to save a few pennies. There is also one sneaper here who since day one has taken advantage of our "referral" program:


I think I've sent him at least 500 bucks in the past two months!

again the discount link:
