A Gift to You Guys from STEVEN SLATE DRUMS

Bought it today!

After complaining to my girl last night that internet forum people are a bunch of dumbass losers (don't ask why ...), this discount special reminds me why I still come to this forum regularly and haven't been disappointed yet!

Looking forward to the samples, Steve!
great to see the discount is welcoming so many of you to the collection, you'll be happy, I don't put my name on these hits for nothin! The update is coming along, it will have so many new features, we're just tweaking it so that its PERFECT, I'll have news on it soon.
unfortunately, like stillborn said, it was a weekend promo, but maybe we can do something similar next month.
John, Minnesota: Threw the disc at his neighbor, but ended up hitting a tree and it bounced back and hit him in the eye. He's dead.

Ray, London: Put his boss's fingers in the disc case in an attempt to try to crush them. Turned out his boss had a wooden limb and the splinters from the impact went right into Ray's face. He's dead.

Jack, Brisbane: Crushed up the disc and put it in his co-workers lunch. Ironically, the co-worker ate the lunch unharmed, but Jack's tuna salad was a bit moldy and he was rushed to the hospital with severe food poisoning. He's alive. But its not looking good.