A little announcement

Slash Freeman

Iron Maiden obsessive

Okay, some of you many already know this, but some may not. I just thought you should know, 'cos you people are kind of like a family to me. :)

You ready for it? Here goes:

I'm bi-sexual.

Yes, that means i'm gay, but it also means i'm straight.

I just felt you guys should know, 'cos i think most of you are fine with things like this, certainly all the people here that i really know are, and a lot of you might get confused when i say things like "that is one nice looking guy" or things along those lines. ;)

for those that did? Thanks for reading this. :) Those who didn't have missed out. :p
Originally posted by Slash Freeman
I'm bi-sexual.

Yes, that means i'm gay, but it also means i'm straight.

Not to be anal (HAHAHA!), but no it doesn't :) It means you're bi :p

Anyway, I knew this already cos you never stop chatting me up. Bloody horny teens!!

Cool, now you can double your changes of scoring!
Seriosly, I already knew that and it´s okay by me. I don´t see how anyone with brains could have a problem with that.
Yeah, i'm fine with it and i feel more comfortable being able to do and say exactly what i want to around here. There have been a few conversations that i've wanted to say something but decided not to 'cos not too many people knew iwas bi. :)

Mark: Yeah, but i was explaining it in a way that would cause NO ambiguitey! ;)

Clipsy: LaurA is not an issue anymore. I may still have feelings for her but i don't believe that she does or ever will have feelings for me. Besides, it doesn't matter if i'm bi or straight, either way i like women. this just means i'll have a bit more in common with her! ;)

Anssi: Yeah, i figured that too. People with a brain know this doesn't change who you are if they knew you before you told them.....
yay to you...anyway wouldnt it be funny if you one day woke up in the morning and said to yourself NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! im not gay after all :p where was i... oh yes be bi and prosper :)

yeah anyway theres this girl at school, well she sometimes says stuff like, oh you lot, im bi...etc. and then says, only joking. one would think shes trying to come out or something...