A little tip...


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2007
Seriously, never use a Opeth song as your wakeup alarm...

About a month ago i downloaded Deliverence to my phone and used it as an alarm clock, and now i seriously can`t stand the first 30 sec of it :(

Just a heads up...
I used to wake up for Yngwie Malmsteen's Odyssey album opener Rising Force. It was great! It wasn't like balls to the wall from the start, so there was time to really wake up!
I think "iirc" means "if I recall correctly" if I'm not mistaken.

Why bother actually typing out words when you can use obscure acronyms?
I used to wake up to "Battle Against Time" all last semester, but then my laptop fried for no apparent reason. Now I set my TV's timer to wake me up with whatever is on downstairs. It's got a cable run up from the DirecTV. It doesn't keep time properly though, so I'm always like 10 or 20 minutes late. Speaking of which, I'm still nude and I have to be out the door and gone in 10 minutes. :cry:
I don't use songs as an alarm because instead of waking up I'll just have a dream related to that song :lol:
I don't use songs as an alarm because instead of waking up I'll just have a dream related to that song :lol:
I did that once when I was younger, I had the Final Fantasy theme set as my alarm and instead of waking me up, I just had happy sleep. :D
Heh that's great. And your signature has those little bastards from Nickelodeon, eh? Brown and Purple...
i wake up with my local talk-radio station. it works for the sole reason that i want to get up to strangle everyone that works at that station