a MAC to XP (PC) convertor?

Jun 2, 2005
Hey all...

Does anyone have any ideas about this?

A friend of mine has a couple of songs of his band and would like it if i could give it a try at mixing those songs..

Problem is, those songs are recorded in a studio in denmark.. so they are raw and unmixed WAV tracks..
But they have been recorded on a MAC computer, so these WAV files are in MAC files on that disc.. and i have a windows based PC..

Is there any way around this? any type of converting possible through a program of some sorts??

Really, any help would be great guys!

PS - I am having the hardest time logging in here.. everytime it does'nt remember my name, and i have to log in everytime i come over here.. and most of the time, it just does not work.. i got lucky this time.. haha...


I do this all the time, never had a problem.

Maybe the settings in the sequencer/recorder the guy is using in the Mac are messed up.. Or maybe yours.. Would it be possible for you to ask him to export the tracks again?

By the way, what are your and his sequencer? :p
The problem is not the WAV files themselves, the problem is the fact that you are trying to open a Mac-formatted disk on the PC. You can't do this without third-party software. Funny, the Mac reads/writes PC disks just fine, but Microsoft doesn't seem to care to support the Mac file system natively in Windows.

At any rate, here's a product we used at my old office that works very seamlessly:


This will solve your problem!