A need for change...

I think Therion's announcement about toruring USA in September and people relating this to possible bands to be included in the festival.


Now I am pretty sure that Therion is in this year's Progpower line up. Especially Glen's above comments about the announced band's spot will be random explains everything.

It was much more fun when all the bands get announced at the same time but in this technology age it is almost impossible to keep thing secret. Especially when the band deicides to have more show dates in US apart from Progpower show and when they are booking other dates around the same time people pick up on things.
Yeah, it was cool to see all the bands at the same time on March 1st... I personally believe that this is due to the fact that the freaks that run JAXX or even the guys in bands (therion) can't keep their mouth shut and wait until march or april to announce a show OR a tour that will take place in september, that's so pointless of them for doing that... Also, Glenn, you might wanna consider adding one or two lines in the contract, stating that bands that sign to play ProgPower can not in any absolute situation reveal other tour dates before the announcement of the bands, as well as the venues in which the shows would occurr... Progpower has to keep on being the first to announce the shows...
To answer a few questions:

1. You can check out the main page on the website to figure out time slots.

2. I will announce the date on February 1st. Gold Badge holders will find out on Jan. 31st.

3. To clarify, two bands will be announced every seven days starting on Feb 1st.

Glenn H.
Oh man, I'm already getting excited about this year. It'll be great getting back to Atlanta for what has become the BEST Prog/Power Festival the US will EVER have...

Thank you Glenn for keeping all of us on the edge of our seats... Its quite a rush...
General Zod said:
Is there even going to be a BW & BK this year?

I got an e-mail from those guys in November saying that the BWBK festival was going to be "moved up" this year. I was curious about the date for planning reasons and their response was..."nothing is set in stone yet. We do know that the festival will be moved up this year. I will keep you posted." Haven't heard anything since.
Heavenly Call said:
I got an e-mail from those guys in November saying that the BWBK festival was going to be "moved up" this year. I was curious about the date for planning reasons and their response was..."nothing is set in stone yet. We do know that the festival will be moved up this year. I will keep you posted." Haven't heard anything since.
It's interesting that if they're moving it up, that they're giving details later than they have previously. It's a shame that fest isn't better organized.

Narcosynthesys68 said:
Good question Zod... There has to be someone that has some kinda info on BW&BK Six Pack... Anyone???
The last time I heard anything was at Progpower 5 from Mark Gromen. He told me even at the last BW & Bk Fest that it may be the last one because the financial strain was too much. Then I saw him at the Nightwish show in N.Y.C. this past August and he said Clear Channel Entertainment wanted to buy the rights to the festival and that they wanted to keep it in Cleveland, as Mark told me that if they did have a third fest it may have to be in another city. C.C.E. wanted it, however, to stay in Cleveland. He also stated that BW & Bk wanted creative control so it didn't turn into a nu-metal bullshit show. At PP5 he told me things looked good with Clear Channel, but no news yet. It is true, too that if it did happen again, it would be earlier. Possibly in may sometime.
Metalmilita2000 said:
Oh god, Clear Channel is gonna get control of it and it is gonna go to shit, like everything else they touch.

Amen to that!

Rock on!
Metalmilita2000 said:
Oh god, Clear Channel is gonna get control of it and it is gonna go to shit, like everything else they touch.

Maybe not. When clear channel took over promoting the Monster Truck races here in Atlanta (hey, stop laughing, that's very metal) the races have gotten better with more top-name trucks. If BWBK is allowed creative control, this may just inject more money to bring over new bands??? Thoughts anyone?