A Perfect Circle reunion?

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Cracked Pleasures

New Metal Member
Jun 6, 2007
I was wondering if anyone heard any rumours (from reliable sources?) about a possible new APC tour?

I know Maynard said it was over but he also refused to really say the band had split, and as we all know Maynard likes to keep people guessing about how true his words are...

I heard the rumour from a friend of mine but doubt if it is true as no somewhat official source confirmed the idea of reuniting APC.

I do keep my fingers crossed. I like both Tool and APC a lot, but if I must choose I prefer APC over Tool. Tool are a great band but APC have something unique about them, the ethereal sound of the Mer de Noms album was so fantastic... I would love to see the band back together, even if there would only be a tour with no new material. Would love to hear songs like The Hollow, Passive, Orestes, Three Libras, Brena, Magdalena, Weak & Powerless, etc live. Especially Brena and The Hollow, two of my favourite all-time metal tracks. I also do think it should be possible to do some shows, Maynard could combine Tool and APC if he wants to (Puscifer is not a full-grown band anyway) and Billy and Paz have not really had their solo breakthrough so I am sure they would be interested in a new APC project.

As much as I love Tool, I would love to see APC coming back together even if it involves a short hiatus for Tool.
Tool are great, APC, not so much imo. Either way, this should go in the non-metal discussion.
Tool have always been and will always be fucking awesome, but APC died after Thirteenth Step. eMOTIVe was pretentious garbage.
Mainstream bullshit.

Ah, the art of being an elitist internet cocksucker. Mainstream immediately means that there's no substance, right? Are you one of those kids who, if I gave you a Burzum album and locked you in a room for an hour, you'd return it with creamy goo smeared all over the cover? I hate those guys. There's a lot of them on this forum.

APC is pretty boring, but they haven't split-up, so I don't what the fuck you were reading. Tool is nice though.
Ah, the art of being an elitist internet cocksucker. Mainstream immediately means that there's no substance, right? Are you one of those kids who, if I gave you a Burzum album and locked you in a room for an hour, you'd return it with creamy goo smeared all over the cover? I hate those guys. There's a lot of them on this forum.

Ah, the generic "I hate elitists" comeback. Enough with the semen references, assholes.
So if one of your favorite bands' albums catapulted to the top of the charts out of nowhere, you would cease to like them? That qualifies as mainstream. Such narrow-minded logic.

Not necessarily. Most underground bands who find mainstream acceptable tend to undergo distinct musical changes that alienate the original fanbase in order to appeal to a wider audience. In some cases this is not true, but the majority of such bands fit this description.

However, people who once loved a band's back catalogue but refuse to listen to these albums because the band went mainstream ARE idiots.
So if one of your favorite bands' albums catapulted to the top of the charts out of nowhere, you would cease to like them? That qualifies as mainstream. Such narrow-minded logic.

Whats with all these question? shut the fuck up its just music. Go to bed your a little too whiny right now. :cry:
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