A question about copy protection

I dont think we can hijack the thread seeing as Dreamys problem has been solved already :) Yeah ive had the MP3s for ages now, the album isnt out here until next week though. Im glad they kept going with the symphonic stuff, you seem to dislike them simply because they arent black metal, which is kind of silly. I love Vortexs vocals, I think they sound brilliant, but each to their own I guess. I think the new album is great, and hardcore black metal fans absolutely HATE it, which is always a bonus :)
Koichi said:
Thats what I've been trying to say all along, I just don't have the coherency to write posts that long.

Dravens post Koichified: Dummy Booger suck because they use wanky keyboards and Shagraths a big girls blouse!
Dimmu have said they arent a black metal band anymore. Repeatedly. Black metal fans are narrow minded idiots, id hazard a guess and say Goreripper was probably listening to DB before any of us had even heard of them, yet he said their new album was great. Black metal fans (embarassingly) still live in 1993, metal fans dont.
:lol: Anthems is incredibly overrated and the vocals are mixed so low as to be barely inaudible, show that album to someone who hasnt heard black metal and they will laugh at you :) Black metal is an acquired taste at the best of times! I like the fact that the new DB album sounds like a film soundtrack mixed with black/death/thrash riffs, its an interesting album, and theres plenty of normal black metal bands going around if that what you are after :)
DravenMist said:
Prepare Spawny, I have a little (big) something to teach about the relevance of black metal, and why it may sound so shit to your ears. it will take me a little while to write it out though, depending how much I can be fucked writing about. :grin:

Please dont, I cant be fucked arguing against all the silly points you bring up about how a scene that became famous because of everything BUT the music has any relevance today :)

I daresay I own more black metal albums than you do, so you wont be teaching me much, not all of it is shit, but I really dont want to hear how shithouse production is the way it was supposed to be, they only had shithouse production because nobody would give them any money to record the albums! :)

Fucking hell, you are Troops part 2, I swear. You kids dont know anything! :lol: When you are older you will understand ;)
I disagree there, it would be interesting to see what Darkthrone could do if they expanded their sound and upped the production, but they dont want to, and thats fine, but I dont really buy the "coldness" theory (and ive heard that from more than a few black metal fans). But each to their own, I think PEM by DB has amazing atmosphere (far more then EDT though I love that album as well) so its just personal preference I guess.
I had a Darkthrone promo once. It was so bad I gave it away! I'd much prefer to listen to Demon Booger or Emperor....
I have every Emperor album and nothing leaps out as being fantastic, its all quite good, some parts better than good, but I dont see the big hoopla, I think they just became the critics favourites and thats why they are so revered. I have Hate Them by Darkthrone and its boring as hell.

Ill take Immortal, Dimmu Borgir and Old Mans Child every time.
All I know about black metal comes from an article I read in an old issue of Hustler that my late grandmother bought me as a joke one Christmas :lol:.

I thought it sounded too bloody silly to be tr00 (pun intended) and I was right. When I finally heard some, I wondered how on Earth anyone could understand it, much less take it seriously. I've never wondered about the differences between black and death metal or any of that stuff because it all sounds the same to me. Growl growl, screech, screech, grrr. Big whoop :rolleyes:.

(Ducks punches from Dravenmist and goes back to live in 1987)

Ok Koichi, you got me, I was absolutely dead serious when I wrote that. Dammit, I cant get anything past you people, I was silly to think people would assume it was a joke considering all the intelligent political commentary and socialist/geopolitical issues I debate back and forth with alarming frequency with the many members of this board.
spawn said:
Ok Koichi, you got me, I was absolutely dead serious when I wrote that. Dammit, I cant get anything past you people, I was silly to think people would assume it was a joke considering all the intelligent political commentary and socialist/geopolitical issues I debate back and forth with alarming frequency with the many members of this board.

oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh someone's a bit touchy today......not getting any master spawn :p