A question about copy protection

I would like to add that I believe that Black Metal hurt the metal scene as much as grunge did, maybe even more-so.
Getting serious for a minute though, I think Sydo has a point. Grunge forced the metal scene to re-evaluate itself after having become this big, bloated beast at the end of the 80s. It got rid of a lot of the dead wood. Yet while black metal, musically, has contributed in a lot of positive ways to the development of modern metal, the SCENE itself hasn't always been a good thing. Until the Norwegian scene emerged, metal was seen as either something dangerous or as a bit of a joke, mostly angry white guys just yelling and being a bit offensive. Then the Norwegian thing happened and suddenly metal guys were killing each other, burning down churches and carrying on with neo-Nazi, racist propoganda. And that wasn't the fans. It was the guys who were actually in bands! It was a pretty bad blot on the scene as a whole, and while most of it happened ten years or so ago now, unfortunately there's still people out there who seem to think that they need to prove how "metal" or something they are by emulating some Norwegian fool rotting in a cell somewhere for doing something stupid. Yes, that's right: STUPID. Far more stupid and self-destructive than wearing a flannel shirt and staring at the floor.