A Question for Mike if he's out there...?


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2008
Hey guys. I was just wonder if we'll be seeing any Opeth as Downloadable content on Rock Band or anything on the new Guitar Hero game coming out later this year?

I personally would love to crack out Deliverance on my plastic little guitar :heh:

It's something I've always wanted so I'm just trying to find it if it's gunna come true anytime soon!

Cheeeeeers guys
There will be too many cry babies saying "that the songs are too long or to hard blah blah" so lets keep Opeth away from those games and where they belong blasting on the stereo
People don't cry about the Dragonforce song or Metallica's "One" in GH3, so I doubt they'd whine about an Opeth songs length. Bring on The Moor!
Yeah, I'm not big on video games, but I think I would shed a tear or 2 if they ended up on Guitar Hero. Super tacky.
I could see "Demon of the Fall" or something like that being on there. I understand that musicians get pissed at Guitar Hero because of dumbass kids who think it's better than playing real guitar, but it's still an awesome party game. Get some beers and some buddies and have a good time. I prefer Rock Band, though.
ha yeah quality episode. I just don't want to see Demon of the Fall on youtube with half the comments related to GH.
I hope Opeth never gets on there.

If you really want Opeth on Guitar Hero than go hack it. There's planty of hacked Opeth songs floating round.
Actually I'm sure I already saw the Ghost of Perdition track on a hacked version of GH2.
Maybe you can find it on Youtube.

And GH is an excellent game, I would love to play Opeth "officially" !
I hope Opeth never gets on there.

If you really want Opeth on Guitar Hero than go hack it. There's planty of hacked Opeth songs floating round.

True story, I have about 25 songs from opeth ranging from easy (for absent friends) to truly impossible (black rose immortal, the moor, ghost of perdition, serenity painted death)

just gotta look harder on how to do it. It's already been done and possible.

Be warned though, I've never played any harder songs on any GH than some of the opeth ones. True story. They make through the fire and flames look like a cakewalk
Ummm.... Mike loves Guitar Hero, people. Read the bio at Opeth.com.

Yeah, so! Mikeal didn't learn how to play guitar from a game...it is a game, you know. Grab a real guitar first, like Mikeal did...you'll be glad you did, after you learn to play it.
god, fucking guitar-elitist wannabes, i've been playing guitar for 8 years and i would never tell someone who wants to play GH "oh pick up a real one loser"...so full of shit you people are, it's a game, let them play if they want to, jeez.
god, fucking guitar-elitist wannabes, i've been playing guitar for 8 years and i would never tell someone who wants to play GH "oh pick up a real one loser"...so full of shit you people are, it's a game, let them play if they want to, jeez.

Yeh it's true, I've been playing guitar for maybe 14 years but I still find Guitar Hero fun. I think it's because it's instant gratification it's quite fun to play with mates and stuff. Obviously you don't have to put the effort of learning the song beforehand, you just follow the coloured dots on screen and you're magically playing a song, which is fun. Still, obviously playing a real guitar is more effort but more long-term reward. I do look at the people who are obsessive about GH and spend all their time trying to score like a million points on every song and think 'yeh, but, imagine if you put that much effort into playing a real guitar'.

There's a free knock-off called Frets On Fire, I haven't tried it so I can't say if it's any good, but it's designed so you can make custom songs on it. Perhaps there's some Opeth ones for that.
god, fucking guitar-elitist wannabes, i've been playing guitar for 8 years and i would never tell someone who wants to play GH "oh pick up a real one loser"...so full of shit you people are, it's a game, let them play if they want to, jeez.


everybody whos all like "get a real guitar fgt" can shut the fuck up. it's a game, who cares.