a question for the fans..

i really don't think you guys should sell just individual pictures because i think some band members might feel bad if their pics sell really poorly while other peoples' sell really well.
Honestly, I'd be more keen on purchasing pics of old abandoned factories and mines. Mind you... Alexis is a bit of a shutterbug so I kinda feel some loyalty in this area.
to be honest, the idea of buying photo prints of a band at a show doesn't grab me. selling art is fine, whether it be photos or paintings or whatever, but band pics are too "fan-boy" for my tastes. the pic posted above looks nice - there's certainly no faulting the quality of the work.
well when i got that promotional porn from the band society one i know that only the lead singer got involved in the action so i felt bad for the other band members who weren't getting any, at least on screen. i mean they weren't super handsome guys but i mean they were definitely better looking men than say ron jeremy who was in it, although probably they didn't have the huge wang factor.

i have no idea where i was going with this but i agree that the individual pics might be a bad idea from the things people brought up.
when i was on little league in 1987 they made trading cards for each member of the team and i had my own personal baseball card which i treasured, and which i kept on the fridge in my apartment with byron and tyerran.

that trading card was mercilessly thrown out, along with the piece of my heart that held it in such reverie.

this is neither here nor there in terms of kayo merchandise. but again i vote "nay" to the trading card idea.