I have also wondered why the release dates stagger like this myself. I am also not a fan of illegal downloading...I do however...when given a choice on purchasing an album...prefer to buy the mp3's rather than the CD. I do this alot when I buy music from Nightmare.
I love buying new music and I do it all the time. I will browse CD baby (and quite often now the nightmare artist list) and look for bands that seem interesting and give em' a shot. I blind buy about $100 bucks every couple of months or so. I find myself being impatiant now that I am spoiled by instant digital downloads. I ordered a Moonlight Agony CD and had to wait a couple of weeks for it to arrive and it drove me bonkers. Now, I don't bother buying music if the band does not offer it in downloadable form. Heck, when I bought Edgend it took a couple of days to get the link to the download area...I remember telling Don Lafon to tell Lance to speed that up..haha). Anyway, now I just write down the bands I like on the site, and go over to CD Baby and download them instantly.
Plus...with over 120GB of music in my collection, I listen to it mostly over the PC or my Zune. If I buy a CD, I have to rip it myself (never gonna get those five minutes back...lol)...and risk scratching it, dropping it, having it stolen..etc.
Anyway, my stupid rant aside. The point (yes there is one) is that for me the staggered release dates do not matter. I buy music from a site in Russia quite often in downloadable form and have no problem purchasing a new record once it is releasd in Europe and before it is available in the states in many cases. I suspect that I will be able to buy the new Kamelot on 9-1. I don't have a problem with this because I am buying it so the artist gets the cash...who cares if I buy it overseas or not.
I would, HOWEVER, LOVE to see more packaging in the Digital Downloads. Why not have a folder of pics or other content that we can have as well. Why not include an interview or small backstage vid or something. It costs no more (unlike a CD layout which gets more expensive by the page) to include these things. You could include the song lyrics...heck it could even be a badass ofline web page looking application that you could click on to see the content. The art and lyrics and cool stuff are the only things I miss about buying physical copies. (HEY LANCE...maybe you could start the shift to change things in this manner...that would be moist.)
Anyway...downloaded or CD or 8track...always pay for your music boys and girls...we gots kiddos to feed.