A quiet moment


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
have you ever had one of those moments when suddenly everything is good?
I had one of those the other day.I was reading a book,doktor faustus by thomas mann,and listening to music,soilwork I think, and then I stopped reading and felt like everything was cool. no problems anywhere,just relaxing and feeling good for the next 2 hours.
have you ever had one of those?
and if you did,how was it?:)

O man let me try to remember one, it's been a while.

Yes... I was listening to Divina Enema, and I was really into it, I was oblivious to anything outside 'The Conclave' :)rolleyes: ) When the CD ended, I got up off the floor (I like to listen sitting on the floor), and took my headphones off. I thought "Wowww", and then I realised that my mind was silent, it had no need to bounce worthless thoughts back and forth, this is because I forgot all my petty thoughts and let the CD take me away, I smiled and the feeling faded in a few minutes.
Yeah, I have. It was crushed soon after though. Well, what happened was I got to school. I saw the girl I liked a lot, and I went up to her and talked to her. We had a GREAT conversation going, and I felt like I could have asked her out right then. But I knew she had a boyfriend at the time. Well, her boyfriend walked up, hugged her and kissed her. Then, he turned to me, and said, "Get outta here, freak!" Then he just kinda laughed at me. I turned away, and just walked, didn't say a word, nor cried. I couldn't let that guy scare me. But, later that day, I saw her again, she looked at me and smiled, and I just turned away and looked down. The next day I saw her again in the morning, and I was trying not to say anything, but she walked up to me, and said "I'm sorry for what my boyfriend said, but I want you to know that I care about you. Don't let him scare you, I'll stand up to him for ya." And she hugged me. I felt so great, but then he came in again. Well, the rest is kind of self explanitory, I came home with a bruised shoulder. It's gone now though.
you allowed him to destroy the moment?
you should have ripped his arms out when he was distracted

yeah something like that happened to me once
had a wonderful conversation with the girl I have a crush on and then a friend arrived to ruin it.she was looking at him wanting to tell him to leave and so was I
he never left so the girl had to go
after that I hit him in the chest very hard and he almost cried
I haven't had an empty-mind experience in AGES. Hell, I can't even remember when it was last time. I have so much shit going on, so much crap that I should write down to remember, it's always bouncing around my head.

I do get somewhat closer when I'm driving, but that's when my mind SHOULDN'T be empty. eep.
yeah.it sucks when someone interrupts you with a girl. today at philosophy class I saved a seat for this girl and she saw I had my backpack there and walked to the seat but some dude moved my backpack and just sat down.
luckily there was an empty seat on the other side.
I rarely have these moments, there is always alot of stuff I worry or think about. I like that kind of feeling, I don't know, to me it feels when I'm not thinking about something that I somehow loose time and feel somehow down.

However, when I'm talking to some nice people, especially one great person, I can forget my concerns and replace them with much brighter dreams ad hopes :) Sometimes one needs things like these, to live :)
I have moments like this quite a lot. Most times it's at will but sometimes - it seems especially when I am doing the grocery shopping I'll find myself lapsing into it. I guess we are talking about the same thing here, right? like when you clear your mind of all thought and enter a slightly different state of consciousness.

With regards to tou guys having to put up with all that shit at school - I really feel bad for that. Some people have no manners about them. I think for some asshole to hit you just because you were talking to his girlfriend is ignorant and immature. He doesn't OWN her. Does he hit the teachers too? Fucking asshole needs to grow up. Luckily the girl had enough sense to break up with him - AND to see who is the better man inside. ;)
If my son ever were to treat another person that way at school he'd get a knot popped in his ass - by ME!
it's great when you have the chance to talk to someone new that you saw sometimes and you thought they were interesting and it turns out they are really cool.
that happened to me not long ago.this girl seemed very interesting and nice so I went over and talked to her and we had an amazing conversation.our first talk and it was like 2 hours long and all the next talks have been like that
those are moments I cherish as well:D
Aaaaah!!!! I LIVE for these moments, when nothing matters,
when there is no pain, when you feel complete... Nothing
to worry about, just sit there and smile... Dream...
Happy days, or should I say, happy moments! :eek:)

I have a lot of those... When I'm listening to music. The most
powerfull one I can remember right now is sitting on the
train back from my grandparents', a two hour ride from the
south of Norway, back to Oslo :eek:)

I put on the latest Iced Earth album, sat and watched the
beautiful landscapes outside.... I felt totally at peace with
myself! The music was so powerfull, all I felt was nothing...
Or maybe this "nothing" is actually happiness? It was perfect.
Even though I knew I had problems and issues to worry
about, I just felt good....

I have a lot of these moments, every now and then they
pop by me :eek:) All I need is a good album and I'm 'drifting' >:eek:P

And just like you Oyo, I LOVE listening to music sitting on
the floor!! Or even better lying down, cause sometimes the
music is so powerfull you can't move... Just lie there.... Wonderfull!

Sometimes the music is so strong you feel it in your body
and soul... Like a pain in your chest... This sometimes just
makes me cry.... But it feels good. Music is my life :eek:)
I remember a moment like the one you describe.I was in the south of Mexico in some mayan ruins,just seeing the greatness and the beautiful jungle and pyramids in front of me. I felt so overwhelmed by it that I couldn't move or think about anything.Just watching that beautiful place was enough.

I love listening to music while walking in the streets.I just love it or while laying down in the grass
It has been way to long since i had that feeling, i actualy thing i have to go back two years for that. Me and my ex-girlfriend sitting on the porch huddled up togeather with a blanket around us, watching the the sunset. No worries in the world...
Originally posted by Allison
With regards to tou guys having to put up with all that shit at school - I really feel bad for that. Some people have no manners about them. I think for some asshole to hit you just because you were talking to his girlfriend is ignorant and immature. He doesn't OWN her. Does he hit the teachers too? Fucking asshole needs to grow up. Luckily the girl had enough sense to break up with him - AND to see who is the better man inside. ;)
If my son ever were to treat another person that way at school he'd get a knot popped in his ass - by ME!

It happens a lot more than you'd think. And, I'm glad they broke up too, I just hope that her and I will go out. I just hope I'll not be so jealous of others.