A quiet moment

(this has no subject or point at all)
is anyone here a smoker besides me?
because I met this really cool dude on the beach and he was swedish and he had this thingy called snuss or something like that and it was ultra cool but it's impossible to get outside of sweden and norway.
it got me kinda dizzy also.
is it legal or was I doing drugs?

p.s. I can't stand the winter,I am always cold,even with hot chocolate
Originally posted by manuelgv
(this has no subject or point at all)
is anyone here a smoker besides me?
because I met this really cool dude on the beach and he was swedish and he had this thingy called snuss or something like that and it was ultra cool but it's impossible to get outside of sweden and norway.
it got me kinda dizzy also.
is it legal or was I doing drugs?

Don't worry, nothing illegal... you can buy chewing tobacco in Germany too. But more in special tobacco shops...
Originally posted by manuelgv
(this has no subject or point at all)
is anyone here a smoker besides me?
because I met this really cool dude on the beach and he was swedish and he had this thingy called snuss or something like that and it was ultra cool but it's impossible to get outside of sweden and norway.
it got me kinda dizzy also.
is it legal or was I doing drugs?

p.s. I can't stand the winter,I am always cold,even with hot chocolate

Snus?!?! Is that smth that doesn't exict outside Norway and Sweden?!?! I thought that.... But ah well, then you should praise yourselves lucky, 'cause (IMHO) it looks sooooo icky with lip standing like a metre out of you face.... :p It's UGLY!!!!!!!!!!! Never understood it anyway. It can burn a whole up to your nose, you know! It's disgusting! Smoking is MUCH better!!!! And that smell......

Well, that should be enough...... hehe.........

Btw, yes, it's legal, not drugs. They sell it just as they sell cigarettes. (If this is what you meant.....??)
But that doesn't mean you think it looks good, eh, Morgana?!?! LOTS and lots of ppl do here to. Mostly guys, though. -Guess because it looks so frekkin uggh-ly :p (Sorry if I offend anyone here now - I really don't mean to; it's just my humble opinion of snus-lips)
LOL Snus! I jsu thought how odd that was when I was in Sweden some times :lol:

Well, I don't like snus... tastes not too good to me, but sometimes I like snuff (tobacco to sniff up your nose, how's that crap called in english??), but merely use that stuff anymore.

Anyway, noticed how many metalheads are smoking, how's it with you, anyone of you smoking?
Well, there's so many here smoking in general (in Norway), so I don't know if it's smth special with the metalheads... I only party-smoke - never buy myself. But it's not much anyway. I hate to get the smell of smoke in my hair!!

@Blackspirit: Hehe, when did you start?
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
@Blackspirit: Hehe, when did you start?

I never really started... Was more just checking out
different types of smoke cause my parents smoked.
I found out that prince (not xtra mild!!!!) was the
best >:eek:) That shit you have to roll yourself sucks!

I never bought into that smoking cause it was cool
thing, luckily :eek:) I knew what it really tasted like....

A couple of years ago I tried it again, cause since
so many people smoke I thought, there has to be
something about it... Maybe I was wrong, maybe it
is allright... But the feeling of the smoke burning
down my throat... Urgh... Hehe.... but once again,
dicovered that prince is good >:eek:)
I saw myself on the mirror with the snus and I looked all dorky but it's cheaper having it than cigs. a pack is 1.5 dollars here and it lasts for less than a day and this guy(jon was his name) told me that snus is cheaper than that and it lasted for quite a long time.
I started smoking because my friends smoke while we are drinking beer so I got used to it and tried it afterwards.
I remember that in the In flames concert there were no lighters allowed when you went in so no one could light up their cigarettes,luckily some guys got their lighters into their shoes and everybody was smoking
Hrm, from I was 14 to I was... umm, 14. It was coooool, and everyone was doing it, so one had to try, right? Short story, I figured it was a waste of money.
Then, a few months ago, I started smoking for real. It's a huge stress-relief. And it's needed where I work. As for preferences, I only smoke Marlboro, or Lucky Strike when desperate. Prince is a woman-cigarette ;) And whenever I'm with someone who's got (that is, quite often) I get myself one of those you roll yourself. Taste is ok, and it lasts sooo much longer.
And I HATE snus!!!! Just for the record....

I mean, it stinks up 14 miles around whoever uses it, and it makes one look like a total dork. And my looks is one of the few things that matters to me :p
I don't smoke, never have, and I'm going to try to stay away from it. And I've only really been drunk once, I regret it though.

@Ansuz: It's called snuff here too.

What's this snus stuff everyone is talking about? I know it's something you smoke, and probably something I don't want to try.