A quiet moment

Snus ain´t smoked, nor chewed... Snus is pulverized and wet tobacco, which you put ( usually) under you upper-lipp. It comes either in small bags or in "natural" form which you have to "bake" yourself... It is more accpted in Sweden, coz you can use it everywhere without ruin the lungs for others, + it does not smell or make you look stupid as many of the ppl here claim!

Hmmm... And yeah! It does not couse cancer as do smoking! I may do some harm to your teeth tho, but if used moderately it is good for your mouth, makes you have less holes!

Hmmm, yeah, and it is indeed legal, selled in ordinary stores in Sweden and Norway, dunno about Finland, but the danes don´t use it, as far as I know that is...

-phyros ( snus expert )
I smoke cannabis and never have to buy it because it grows so well in Florida ;) and I am an avid herb gardener. ;)

that snus stuff, they have it here and I will puke up if people comes around me with it. Just to think about it makes me retch.
I don't smoke anything or use any sort of drugs. I have never tried them and do not plan to. The snus stuff doesn't seem appealing to me.

I only have the very occasional drink, and have been doing so for a long time. :)
Please, Phyros... I know 3 people who use that hellsent stuff... Snus stinks worse than tobacco ever will. Ick. And it DOES make you look stupid :)

Well, it's my personal opinion anyhow. You don't have to agree :) As for cancer, it causes cancer as well. They figured that out lsat year, I think. Not lung cancer, but cancer in the mouth-thingie. Munnhulen. Whatever that would be in English.
Well, an argument! Gooooodie! I like this..;)

Hmmm.. Well, concerning the smell.. you must be like inside someones mouth to smell it, or be leaning over the dösa when they open it to smell anything... This goes for me anyway, since literaly speaking everyone I know is snusing, and I am not. I am _very_ sensitive to smells, for example smoke or... Well virtually everything... :D And I am quite greatfull to my friends for their snus habbits, so that I don´t have to puke everytime we meet...;)

Hmmm. And, well, I guess the stupid look is up to each and everyone to think, but if you don´t take to much, or is using the portions, it is not that visable... But then again, if you use the half dösa everytime, well... Then you look quite retarded, agreed...:)

Hm, and yeah.. Well, the swedish socialstyrelsen (which is handling these matters in Sweden) just made it clear that the connection between snus and Cancer aint proved, soo, well, you could think everyhting you want about that.. I know that they are very hard against the swedish ppl in these matters, soooo, if they are forced to take away their recomendations from the dösa, then there ain´t anything proven...:p (which there aint)

Anyways... I am against every kind of drugs (not counting alcohol (I am not consequent, and never will I be), eventhough I just drink beer and mead, no stronger stuff) So, of course you shouldn´t do it, but in the end, I consider snus less harmless than smoking.

So don´t ya "please" me! :D

-phyros ( quite happy with all the swedish words in this post... but there aint no English ones to use instead, or then again, it might be, but I am to darn lazy to look em up :D )
Originally posted by Phyros
Snus ain´t smoked, nor chewed... Snus is pulverized and wet tobacco, which you put ( usually) under you upper-lipp. It comes either in small bags or in "natural" form which you have to "bake" yourself... It is more accpted in Sweden, coz you can use it everywhere without ruin the lungs for others, + it does not smell or make you look stupid as many of the ppl here claim!

Hmmm... And yeah! It does not couse cancer as do smoking! I may do some harm to your teeth tho, but if used moderately it is good for your mouth, makes you have less holes!

Hmmm, yeah, and it is indeed legal, selled in ordinary stores in Sweden and Norway, dunno about Finland, but the danes don´t use it, as far as I know that is...

-phyros ( snus expert )

I know it's nor chewed, I was searching the internet for the english word...
Well, as I agree with fjell... it does look a bit funny when you have it it under your upperlip... reminds me of a mouse or hamster :p
Hrm, I'm positive I heard something on the radio last year about snus-related cancer... must follow up :)

As for the smell, well then, the Norwegian snus must be special. Cause I can't stand being in the same room as someone snusing, and I'm very tolerant to smells.
if kissing a smoker is kinda disgutsing(when you don't smoke) i can't imagine kissing a "snuser" hehe
and it didn't smell that bad,maybe i was too drunk to tell
who knows
Originally posted by Phyros
Hmmm.. Well, concerning the smell.. you must be like inside someones mouth to smell it, or be leaning over the dösa when they open it to smell anything...

Which means kissing someone who takes snus would be disgusting; much worse than to kiss someone who smokes. (Yes, I've tasted snus.)

But I've never smelled anything from anyone using it, so that has never bothered me. (Nor does cigarette smell bother me - unless I have a hangover and the smell comes from my own hair, that is.)

Hmmm. And, well, I guess the stupid look is up to each and everyone to think, but if you don´t take to much, or is using the portions, it is not that visable... But then again, if you use the half dösa everytime, well... Then you look quite retarded, agreed...

Problem is, too many ppl do take way too much at a time. Most ppl I know do - and they look like rabbits, the whole bunch!
Agreed concerning the kisses, I´ve actually kissed a girl who was snusing at the time... And it was an experience I´d rather not have again... On the other hand, regarding the smoking, I actually think it is nice to kiss a girl that just have had a smoke... Don´t ask me why, I don´t know why myself...;)

So well, I think we agree...:)

-phyros ( thinking the rodents look retarded, but his friends most often look normal...;) )
Hmmm, yeah, you might just do that...:D I mean, females with a "prilla" under her lip isn´t atractive, so yeah, I do understand what you all mean...:)

I am the blue rabbit! So that must mean that I am cute...;) thank you very much...:)

-phyros ( :D )