A quiet moment

Originally posted by Blackspirit
And just like you Oyo, I LOVE listening to music sitting on
the floor!! Or even better lying down, cause sometimes the
music is so powerfull you can't move... Just lie there.... Wonderfull!

Sometimes the music is so strong you feel it in your body
and soul... Like a pain in your chest... This sometimes just
makes me cry.... But it feels good. Music is my life :eek:)

Yeah, I love doing that too. I like to feel like I am one with the song. I can do that with a lot of songs. Especially "Letter to Dana" by Sonata Arctica; or "Home Again" by Thyrfing... Or even "Storms of Asgard" by Thyrfing, and many other songs by many other bands.
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
I like to feel like I am one with the song. I can do that with a lot of songs. Especially "Letter to Dana" by Sonata Arctica
Yeah, Letter to Dana really gets to me... but only when I'm singing along. If I'm just listening to it, I don't get nearly as affected. quite odd. But I never lie on my floor anymore... it's kinda odd... back in high school and college, I lay down anywhere... hallway, at home, outside. Not anymore. And definately not for music.

Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
It happens a lot more than you'd think. And, I'm glad they broke up too, I just hope that her and I will go out. I just hope I'll not be so jealous of others.

Actually, (for me,) it's quite hard not to feel jealous. Back in the day, when I wasn't single, if my girlfriend would spend significant time with other people, I'd get jealous and a bit pissed off. I didn't take it out on her or anything. I knew it was a failing of mine, and I tried to make sure it didn't affect her at all, but it was still hard. And since she spent most of her time 1000 miles away from me, each minute together was very precious.

I really should leave now...
Originally posted by DeadWinterDead
"Home Again" by Thyrfing...

That song... It's so unbelievable!!! I love it sooo much,
it makes me feel all these things! Music is so great! I
know why I don't do drugs or anything else, cause it
would flip me out, music is so powerfull, feeling more
than I do listening to music would blow me up,
seriously! I couldn't take more! Hehe... I lurve it! >:eek:)

Back to Thyrfing, finally got the chance to enjoy their
Valdr Galga album "out in nature" (more like on the
train to work, but still see a lot of beautiful nature!
(Got to appreciate the small things living in a big city)).
It felt totally awesome... I had a look at the people
around me and realized I'm one of the luckies girls in
the world, I just forget it sometimes! Happy moments...
I don't do drugs for the same reason as blackspirit
music takes you somewhere else sometimes so you don't need anything else.
when I listen to fantasy based music I just go to the place and get all high with the music

Well, these days I get such moments while out in the nature. It's not a long walk to get to the edge of the forest, but I can't find time for it. A great big shame, really. I should really spend more time with nature.
As for crushes etc. I can just say: Shit. :) I've had many interresting, intelligent conversations with some of the girls I've had crushes on, but usually that's been it. Now, I try not to get too interrested in the girls, as it just hurts too much when we split. So instead, I'm flirting with everybody. Doesen't hurt me, doesen't hurt them, all is good in all ways. (Yeah I know it's bullshit, but it sounds better this way :))
I understand you Vanir
I used to be all confident about myself with girls but suddenly I got afraid of them(probably realized that they can really hurt you) so now I have had a big crush on a girl for a year and she knows it because everyone does but she doesn't do a thing or gives me any good hints so I assume she is not interested.
I flirt a lot when drunk,my hidden charisma comes out wildly
Originally posted by The Nomad
Yeah, Letter to Dana really gets to me... but only when I'm singing along. If I'm just listening to it, I don't get nearly as affected. quite odd.

That's true, I sing along with the song everytime. I love singing along with this song too.

Originally posted by The Nomad
Actually, (for me,) it's quite hard not to feel jealous. Back in the day, when I wasn't single, if my girlfriend would spend significant time with other people, I'd get jealous and a bit pissed off. I didn't take it out on her or anything. I knew it was a failing of mine, and I tried to make sure it didn't affect her at all, but it was still hard. And since she spent most of her time 1000 miles away from me, each minute together was very precious.

Oh, I see. Well, I've never shared my life with anyone before. So, I don't know what it's like. I just want us to have a relationship that means a lot to both of us.
it's not to be jealous when you have a big crush on someone
specially when you feel insecure and think you may lose that person
the best thing to do is....well I don't know.I am a jealous bastard
I have moments of bliss when listening to music. I love "Sail Away" by David Gray. I am always listening to that song... somewhat depressing, yet so beautiful. I also like music by Sentenced and Down. I feel my mind empty (in a good way) when I listen to Down. I should do that more.

I also remember the time my best friend and I ate a bunch of chocolate and drank cola while lying on the stage at the local mall (which is the largest mall in the world btw). It was quite odd I remember that clearly. We just laughed and talked about random things in our lives... it was perfect.

It is quite cool to be able to connect and talk to other people. It is quite rare for me to do so... but it does happen.

@DWD: It is a good think she broke up with that guy. He sounds like a manipulative jerk. :( Much luck on asking her out. :)
I could never have married my husband if he were the type who had a problem with me talking to other people. I am very much a people person, I love to talk to people and find out what their experience of life has been and their opinions of it. I find this fascinating and also can learn a lot from others and their experiences. He's very understanding of this and sometimes will tease me saying I am a motor mouth pixie.

There is truly no harm in talking to people but it is common for people in their first couple of semi-serious relationships to get that streak of jealousy and it's not so harmful if it can be kept under control but if it gets to the point of obsession and violence then that's your cue to dump this person because it will eventually lead to abuse. I think perhaps DWD, your friend was smart enough to recognise this and dump that asshole.
I love the winter, when it's dark outside, and snowing, to sit inside on the floor with a big cup of tea, hot chocolate or "gløgg", listening to music and just relax. Maybe burn some incense... Not have on too many lights, and only candles. It's so peaceful.

But of late, I've been happy quite a lot :) Becasue of a special one...... This (and this one) has helped me seeing the good things in my life, instead of just all the bad.