A request for Vintersorg....


Lost to Apathy
Feb 26, 2002
Knoxville, TN
I have been a fan for sevral years, and with the current release of "Visions Of The Spiral Generator" (which is excellent BTW) I was wondering if we could set up an interview via ICQ, AIM or e-mail. Talking to one of my musical heroes is the one of the perks of running a webzine, that plus the ability to help promote your work. I would have e-mailed this request but I could not find your e-mail addy.

Please let me know what you think....

Well, theese days I hardly have time for mail interviews, they take so much longer time than phoners, as I try to make long saturated answers to keep the interview intresting, so a mail interview take me at least 2-3 hours, and time is my enemy you know.......having all the projects and and a daily job is more than 24h a day really. It's sad, but just physical facts.

mr V
Sorry to jump in likt this..

but i would also like to do a followupinterview..
i did you with you (vintersorg), when cosmic genesis was released..


i would also like to run an idea with a competition with you..
can you send me a private msg here on the forum with your e-mail.. i've forgotten what your mail is..
