a selfish thread

Sep 19, 2005
i usually dont start pointless threads but im afraid that this warrants one.
im going to new zealand all of february and march this year and want to know if anyone can recommend bars clubs and even better gig and tour dates of bands of the heavy metal genre/ or good music opeth related.......
we'll, any response is appreciated
In Auckland there is a Rock & metal bar called "hysteria" which is located on K rd (the red light street)

and in Hamilton there is a Metal bar called "6 ft Under"

Also make sure you check out Real Groovy Records, a record store on the main st (queen st) of Auckland. It's a massive 2nd hand a new record store.

Opeth are playing here April 29th btw :)
I recommend you just jump off the plane at Melbourne, if it's bars and metal you're after. We have a huge scene of both.. unless you're well, from Melbourne..

But yeah, New Zealands much more beautifulerer than Melbourne.
I mean... there are kids starving to death in africa and wars and shit... and you still come here and post something SO selfish... damn man, you don't have a heart!

Manowar said:
Heavy metal, or no metal at all.. wimps and posers, leave the hall!

Manowar said:
Brothers of metal
We are fighting with power and steel
Fighting for metal that's all that's real
Brothers of metal will always be there
Standing together with hands in the air

Let us drink to the power drink to the sound
Thunder and metal are shaking the ground
Drink to your brothers who are never to fall
We're all brothers of metal here in the hall