A Statement on a specific perk for Gold Badges/Sponsors this year.

As someone that has played the guitar on and off for about 20 years, I can safely say that I could study IA's technique first-hand for the next thousand years, and still wouldn't be able to do the stuff he does. Yes, he is that good.

Having said that, I'm still looking forward to this clinic, as it is not often you get a chance to be this close to watch someone this good play. The time Mary & I sat about three feet from Tony Levin at a CGT+2 show is the only other thing that comes to mind.

My only complaint is that I don't have a gold badge this year :waah: Awesome news for those that do. Very cool addition Glenn. Just wish i could be there but i understand and agree with the decision.
Tune it to an Open G string and ya can't go worng! lol

BTW - those who can't attend or don't play guitar - don't feel bad. I have played (sort of lol) guitar for a LONG time, and would love to see this clinic close up. I will have access.. but will not most likely have time do to other required crew duties.. but i will poke in if I get a chance!