A typical example of conversation with my ex-college mates


Sep 14, 2001
Taken from an MSN conversation today:

Matt says: ?
Rusty says: wot??
Matt says: y arnt u at uni
Rusty says: haven't got to go in till 5
Rusty says: but i cant be arsed anyway
Matt says: well that is a disgrace
Rusty says: is it??
Matt says: u drunk again
Rusty says: no
Matt says: u r an alcholic
Rusty says: am i??
Matt says: yes
Rusty says: oh
Matt says: opeth freak
Rusty says: oh

Which is what I had through 2 years of college. :err: I think I should block them.
No he has matured and they stayed retarted!

Anyways, I feel the same with my friends now, don't relate to them or fit in with them. Either they changed or I did.

(edit: just adding a :p because everyone seems to be using them in this thread and I have a burning desire to fit in here due to my over active self-esteem issues)

Talking of retards:
Today I was listening to Nile, and someone (idiot1) asked to listen. After 5 seconds he gave it back and said "You must have a lot of anger inside you". Then someone else (idiot2) said "His heart must be black."

I ignored them.

So a few minutes later, idiot1 randomly shouted out DEATH a few times. He said "You can't even hear what he is saying". I said "I don't listen to what he is saying". Idiot1 said something about the lyrics and idiot2 goes: "No, they talk about killings, torture, death...". Oh and by the way idiot2 listens to stuff like So Solid Crew.

To top it off, idiot1 said to idiot2: "But he's such a nice guy, aswell". Grrr.
look at this.

I am the guy with the 200 posts name cause i have no craetivity rigbht now.

you scared!? ok coward says:
how was your trip
... (+200 posts...) says:
what tri
... (+200 posts...) says:
MaYoUsH! says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
how is your holiday
MaYoUsH! says:
it was cool
MaYoUsH! says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
hi zaidy
you scared!? ok coward says:

you scared!? ok coward says:
how is every thing
... (+200 posts...) says:
ive just had a bad 15 minutes
... (+200 posts...) says:
so watch it
you scared!? ok coward says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
iam watching
you scared!? ok coward says:
you guys planing to do any thing
... (+200 posts...) says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
MaYoUsH! says:
MaYoUsH! says:
MaYoUsH! says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
any plans
MaYoUsH! says:
nope not yet
you scared!? ok coward says:
we have to do something as a group
you scared!? ok coward says:
MaYoUsH! says:
i know
MaYoUsH! says:
i''ve been trying to for the past month
MaYoUsH! says:
you scared!? ok coward says:
this is boring
MaYoUsH! says:
the gusy dont listen to me
you scared!? ok coward says:
me too
you scared!? ok coward says:
forget it
... (+200 posts...) says:
good idea

It pisses me off to no extent. These two should get married.