A very serious topic . . . GIVE ME SOME GOOD, NEW BLACK METAL!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Sorry for yet ANOTHER thread asking for black metal, but SERIOUSLY, where do find new black metal around these parts. Everybody is into doom and crap now.

I have new Gogoroth and Jutunspor, both of which are fun and stuff, but I need something I haven't heard before.

Somebody has an avatar with a cool Dusk album cover. I'd buy that album just for the cover. Is it any good?

When is Watain bringing something new out? Or Funeral Mist? Are there other Swedish BM bands on the rise? I love the French stuff, like Mort and Haemoth. Is there anything else like that?

What about Behexen and Beherit? I have neither. I like Horna. Is Sargiest any good?

Etc., etc. . . .
GET Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon now! It's manditory!

As for newer stuff... if you enjoy Watain and that other orthodox stuff, definitely check out Glorior Belli. The other obvious orthodox bands are Ofermod and Ondskapt. I think I also remember you mentioning having checked out The Ruins of Beverast, which features Nagelfar's drummer. Very good, atmospheric, evil stuff.

I also highly recommend Urfaust from the Netherlands. They're really unique, and play a morbid kind of drunken, folkish black metal, with all sorts of classical music stuff going on, and loads of atmospherics. These guys are at the top of my list of recent black metal bands.

I'll think of some more shortly.
Oh yeah, Pestilential Shadows from Australia, who feature members of Nazxul. They play amazingly dark, evil black metal. It's a bit simplistic on first listen, but the more you listen, the more you realize how much barely-audible stuff is going on in the background, which makes it more and more enthralling.

Dimensional Psychosis from the Netherlands, who play a REALLY aggressive blend of black/death, with some other, strange elements thrown in. It's really fucking chaotic, but totally great.

I also found this CD by a band called Der Gerwelt, called "Human Breed". It's quite good, but fairly unusual for a black metal release. I'd probably compare it to Isa by Enslaved, but it's still quite different. Interesting release, at least.
Nate The Great said:
What about Behexen and Beherit? I have neither. I like Horna. Is Sargiest any good?

You'll probably like Behexen. "By The Blessing Of Satan" was one of my favourite 2004 releases, excellent stuff (don't listen to spaffe :cool: ). I'd also recommend Tsjuder's "Desert Northern Hell" and Ofermod's "Mysterion Tes Anomias".
Problem is, I know there's good new black metal out there but finding it is damn near impossible with all the crap releases flooding the scene :mad: I've basically given up and is focusing on the classics, unless some established band releases something.
I would be nice and upload or find samples but my cable internet connection is going slower than a fucking 14.4 here so these'll have to do for now.

These are some I see just from the stacks of CDs in front of me: :)
Throne of Katarsis - Unholy Holocaustwinds
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay
Mord - Imperium Magnum Infernalis
Krieg - Blue Miasma
Thunderkraft - The Banner of Victory
Woodtemple - Voices of Pagan Mountains
Abyss - Consecration of Emptiness
Foscor - Entrance of the Shadow's Village
Nate The Great said:
but SERIOUSLY, where do find new black metal around these parts. Everybody is into doom and crap now.

:lol: So true. Whatever happened to just straight up black and death.....

And yeah, I don't buy into these seasonal music changlings. It's 98 degress here and perfect for black metal. Lets face it, it's always hot here. Fuck off the summer "warm" black metal.

I've just been concentrating on classic releases, if not classic bands, such as Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, and early Bathory.

Here are some releases you might try based on your tastes:

Havohej - Dethrone the Son of God
Straight up, simple, total blasphemous black metal. Most of the songs are from cult US act Profanatica.

Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
80's influenced black metal. So old it's new.

Abigor - Apokalypse, Supreme Immortal Art, Verwustung, Nachthymnen
Fast, violently fast sometimes, semi-symphonic black metal in the METAL way

Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
If you have the means, I highly recommend this one. It's right up your alley.

some others you might like:

Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction, THousand Swords, The Celtic Winter, Following the Voice of Blood
Myrddraal - Blood on the Mountain
FLeurety - Min Tid Skal Komme

Sorry, not much into the new stuff. Maybe try Belenos' new one, though Errances Onirique is their best. This (po)orthodox crap these days does nothing for me.
J. said:
:lol: So true. Whatever happened to just straight up black and death.....

And yeah, I don't buy into these seasonal music changlings. It's 98 degress here and perfect for black metal. Lets face it, it's always hot here. Fuck off the summer "warm" black metal.

I've just been concentrating on classic releases, if not classic bands, such as Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, and early Bathory.

Here are some releases you might try based on your tastes:

Havohej - Dethrone the Son of God
Straight up, simple, total blasphemous black metal. Most of the songs are from cult US act Profanatica.

Megiddo - The Devil and the Whore
80's influenced black metal. So old it's new.

Abigor - Apokalypse, Supreme Immortal Art, Verwustung, Nachthymnen
Fast, violently fast sometimes, semi-symphonic black metal in the METAL way

Sort Vokter - Folkloric Necro Metal
If you have the means, I highly recommend this one. It's right up your alley.

some others you might like:

Fullmoon - United Aryan Evil
Graveland - Fire Chariot of Destruction, THousand Swords, The Celtic Winter, Following the Voice of Blood
Myrddraal - Blood on the Mountain
FLeurety - Min Tid Skal Komme

Sorry, not much into the new stuff. Maybe try Belenos' new one, though Errances Onirique is their best. This (po)orthodox crap these days does nothing for me.

I've been wanting to check out a whole bunch of those. Maybe I'll see what I can find for a good price.

Have you heard the new Gogoroth? It's the only Gogoroth I've ever heard. It's pretty good. Needs more listens.
THe only Gorgoroth I've heard are the first two, Pentagram and Antichrist. I definitely want Under the Sign of Hell.

ANother release you might enjoy is ABMS: Noici Obscura Pars, which is an old comp of songs (some unreleased) from such bands as GOlden Dawn, Pervertum, Pazuzu, Trifixion, and Vuzem.

Also, if you haven't already, defintiely look into Nokturnal Mortum, and albums like Goat Horns, and Nechrist.
good... blackmetal? CONTRADICTION. not really, but on that note: listened to Twilight the other day and they SUCK. worst "supergroup" ever created.