A very serious topic . . . GIVE ME SOME GOOD, NEW BLACK METAL!

Nate, have you checked out old Sigh yet, such as Hail Horror Hail, Infidel Art, Ghastly Funeral Theater and Scorn Defeat? THose are certainly worth checking out.

All of Dawn's material requires a look. Also check out early Sacramentum, such as Finis Malorum and Far Away From the Sun.

Another I forgot about, Demoncy! You'd LOVE Joined in Darkness. Pitch black abyss US black metal.

And if you feel like it, early Aeternus cannot fail you. For some great blackened death, check out Necrophobic.
Actually, J., could you throw some links my way with places to buy some of this stuff. I'm in the middle of wheat harvest, and I don't have time to look for stuff. Much obliged.
man as robot said:
good... blackmetal? CONTRADICTION. not really, but on that note: listened to Twilight the other day and they SUCK. worst "supergroup" ever created.
i disagree, that album is pretty nifty

then again i'm some kind of wussbag untr00 poser for liking some USBM, i should end my life rite :rolleyes:
Décadent said:
I also found this CD by a band called Der Gerwelt, called "Human Breed". It's quite good, but fairly unusual for a black metal release. I'd probably compare it to Isa by Enslaved, but it's still quite different. Interesting release, at least.

I've got one of Der Gerwelt's albums, pretty fuckin' good as I remember it. Might spin it now, actually.
what the hell is wrong with USBM? some of it is quite good. Nate is a fan of USBM, which is why i mentioned havohej and demoncy.
dunno why Xasthur=USBM. Absu have been belting away long before Leviathan and Xasthur reared their ugly heads. Not to mention Havohej emerged from Incantation back in '93...Profanatica in '90...Demoncy in '91.....

People need to look harder and avoid being spoon fed.