AA in Worcester

BigFakeSmile said:
no really. and i met "Squeak" from the board. big surprise to spot a california girl on the east coast! and recognizing people from the board in real life is hilarious/awesome

Sheesh!!! I have been trying to respond to this thread since you posted it, but at home, this particular UM board won't let me reply.... When you get the reply box, it's black and you can't see the typing. So I SWEAR, I was NOT ignoring it! lol HI! :wave: :wave: :wave: That was incredibly fun to meet you at the show. The whole show was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool (AND COLD DAMMIT). I still trip that you (and a bunch of Opeth forum people) recognized me! lol I really didn't even have time to post on this or that forum about me going... I just went. Forgot there were so many of you guys in Mass! Because I went from 91 degree weather here to 29 degree weather in Longmeadow and then back to 91 degree weather here, combined with the fact that I stayed with Kreator Sami and Kreator a lot, who happened to have the flu, I ended up with the flu, bronchitis, a sore throat and an ear infection on Tuesday. But you know what? It was still worth it. I got pictures EXACTLY how I want them. I didn't really want to get on the stage, but shit, the drum riser was too far back! LOL BTW, so far, the pics from the San Francisco and Santa Ana gigs of AA are posted and probably today or tomorrow Fredrik (Swedish Metal webmaster) will post the MASS ones. The Kreator pics from SF are posted, Vader from SF and Mass are posted. The Kreator and Goatwhore pics from Mass will get posted in the next couple days, too.
Regarding the sound from the club... I really do think it depended where you were standing. Up in the photo pit, it sounded very good (and LOUD). up on the stage, it didn't sound too bad, but the monitors had something to be desired. I also didn't think it sounded too bad back at the merch booth. But if you compare that club to anything I have been to in California, that place is 100 times better. Especially since all the California gigs I went to, we never had a security/photo pit. And not a zillion people were squashed into a tiny club. But that's how it is here.
I still can't believe I flew to that show.... :loco: Next time, it would be nice if I could actually spend some TIME there, so I could go sightseeing! Maybe next time...
It would also be nice if you said "hi" to me. First, none of you send a welcome fruit basket. Then, you completely ignore me at shows. If I wasn't a mean spirited bastard ... such callousness would crush me.
Squeak said:
Sheesh!!! I have been trying to respond to this thread since you posted it, but at home, this particular UM board won't let me reply.... When you get the reply box, it's black and you can't see the typing. So I SWEAR, I was NOT ignoring it! lol HI! :wave: :wave: :wave: That was incredibly fun to meet you at the show. The whole show was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay cool (AND COLD DAMMIT). I still trip that you (and a bunch of Opeth forum people) recognized me! lol I really didn't even have time to post on this or that forum about me going... I just went. Forgot there were so many of you guys in Mass! Because I went from 91 degree weather here to 29 degree weather in Longmeadow and then back to 91 degree weather here, combined with the fact that I stayed with Kreator Sami and Kreator a lot, who happened to have the flu, I ended up with the flu, bronchitis, a sore throat and an ear infection on Tuesday. But you know what? It was still worth it. I got pictures EXACTLY how I want them. I didn't really want to get on the stage, but shit, the drum riser was too far back! LOL BTW, so far, the pics from the San Francisco and Santa Ana gigs of AA are posted and probably today or tomorrow Fredrik (Swedish Metal webmaster) will post the MASS ones. The Kreator pics from SF are posted, Vader from SF and Mass are posted. The Kreator and Goatwhore pics from Mass will get posted in the next couple days, too.
Regarding the sound from the club... I really do think it depended where you were standing. Up in the photo pit, it sounded very good (and LOUD). up on the stage, it didn't sound too bad, but the monitors had something to be desired. I also didn't think it sounded too bad back at the merch booth. But if you compare that club to anything I have been to in California, that place is 100 times better. Especially since all the California gigs I went to, we never had a security/photo pit. And not a zillion people were squashed into a tiny club. But that's how it is here.
I still can't believe I flew to that show.... :loco: Next time, it would be nice if I could actually spend some TIME there, so I could go sightseeing! Maybe next time...
I knew I recognized you! Goddamn, I saw alot of people at that show. And yeah, it was fucking cold! :p
Sure Squeak! You're just trying to weasel out of buying me a drink!!!! THIS IS WHY THE SCENE IS SUFFERING! NOONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT THEIR METAL SIBLINGS ANYMORE!
Tomasz said:
I suppose headbanging is more of a european form of expression where in the states it's moshing. I don't mind some moshing but when some bowld headed fuckers,rednecks or 300 lbs giants start using their elbows, steel toe boots and 100 yard dashes during the process that's when I'm out. I'm not there to get injured or killed, I'm there to have fun. Besides, usualy those that are moshing don't even know what band is playing at the time. They're there to piss me off. One day....one day, and that day is coming, I will go medieval on one of those .........., I can't even come up with a name. Damn, I hate them.
Smoke them motherfuckers! May I suggest the gun?