Abandon, Tsjuder, Azaghal, Vultyr . . . have they been discussed?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Abandon? I'm listening to a fucking KILLER mp3 from Abandon right now.

Please do yourself a favor and check them out if you haven't. All I can say is Neurosis being buttfucked by Goatsblood is some beautiful music.

Tsjuder??? Have they been discussed? This band is damn straight violent black metal. I needs me some 'Desert Northern Hell'!!! This is a black metal band that causes pain whilst listening to them. I like that shit! Here's a sample:

Azaghal? I listened to a sample, but the drums were so cheesy I couldn't get through it. The rest of the band is pretty kick ass, but the drum samples suck.

Vultyr? Anydody know anything about them? I read an interview of theirs and they seem intriguing.
Cattle die, kinsmen die, all men are mortal. Nate's ability to find fucked up bands will never perish, nor his love for pain.

Abadon sounds like a good version of Rwake, this might require further research. I'm not sure if I could take a whole album of this in one sitting, but it's cool for a very violent version of Neurosis.

Tsjuder is pretty violent, but not very interesting. These drums need to stop.
I think Tsjuder is pretty good. Haven't heard the others.

Why does everyone ignore my constant recommendations of Behexen? They SLAY, and I'm pretty sure that fotmbm and Erik will have ear orgasms over "By The Blessing.."
Henrik Main said:
Why does everyone ignore my constant recommendations of Behexen? They SLAY, and I'm pretty sure that fotmbm and Erik will have ear orgasms over "By The Blessing.."

Hehe yeah you've been pretty insistant about them :p
I will probably never get round to downloading anything, so would you care to send me a CDr perhaps? PM if so and we'll sort it out
spaffe said:
Hehe yeah you've been pretty insistant about them :p
I will probably never get round to downloading anything, so would you care to send me a CDr perhaps? PM if so and we'll sort it out

Yeah, sure. PM me your address and I'll probably send it on Monday. :Spin:

Also, it's also possible to fit in the Ljå 2002 Demo (good quality), Satanic Warmaster's "Of The Night", some Kampfar, Gorgoroth, whatever tickles your fancy, on that CD-R. Please tell if there is something in particular you want.