Acceptable camera and electronic device usage


Feb 11, 2002
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Hi all,

Since there's been some confusion in the past, I thought it might be helpful to remind everyone of the standing policy on cameras and other electronic devices.

Digital cameras (and video cameras!) are not allowed, and unfortunately, you can be denied admission or even kicked out by the event staff, even if you're not trying to bootleg.

Film cameras are allowed. This is more generous than most events, so if you're serious about wanting some of your own pics, you've got a way of accomplishing that. This includes getting some cheap disposables for shots of friends at the bar, etc.

Anyone caught attempting to make audio or video recordings, or take digital photographs can be kicked out and/or have their equipment confiscated. This includes phones. Especially this year, many people will have iPhones or similar, and it's true that it's not reasonable to ban all such devices, but if you try to take pictures with one, record video with one, or even call someone and have them listen on the other end of the line (it's happened), it's the same deal: you can be kicked out for it.

If you see someone who is bootlegging the show, you can earn VIP badges for the following year by notifying someone on the staff.

Now, there will be people legally carrying digital cameras who have special passes to do so (official event photographer, press members, etc), but they will likely look like they should have such a pass; that means they'll generally have expensive equipment, be up front much of the time, and be making no effort to hide things. They also should not be shooting video.

Lastly, apologies to anyone who is interrupted while texting or web surfing on your cool phone, this year or in the past. It probably looked like you were doing something fishy from 30 feet away, any no one really wanted to climb up over those 4 rows of seats to challenge you on it, it just that there's this obligation to the bands and labels to protect against certain things, and someone had to be sure...

Thanks for reading the long-winded spiel.

Can we use our phones for pictures in the lobby?
Also it would be nice to get the event photagraphers to take more pictures of the entire event and not just the bands on stage. Then the desire for any camera drops even more... I'm just sayin' :lol:
Can we use our phones for pictures in the lobby?
Also it would be nice to get the event photagraphers to take more pictures of the entire event and not just the bands on stage. Then the desire for any camera drops even more... I'm just sayin' :lol:

I'm hitting up the Corset/Kilt thing, what else, aside from random pictures would you be interested in?
I have seen MANY digital camera's in the crowd over the past several years, most of which are NOT professional camera's. Most are small pocket sized camera's. I have notified staff members of people with digital camera's and have been completely blown off almost every time. They tell me, "Oh well, we can't catch them all", or say "just let it go man". A few times they will ask where the offenders are and then never follow up on it. There was a guy a few seats down from me last year that videoed several bands. It makes me angry that it seems once you are passed the front door security it is tolerated. I once again will NOT be bringing my digital camera out of respect for Glenn and this festival, but I'm sure I wont be quick to point out violators as in the past.
I have seen MANY digital camera's in the crowd over the past several years, most of which are NOT professional camera's. Most are small pocket sized camera's.

I realize you're not referring to sponsors here, but to clarify the original post which implied that only "pro" looking cameras should be visible: Band and festival sponsors are allowed to bring any size digital cameras, as are band entourage members carrying VIP passes. The latter have been known to carry video camcorders around the venue as well.

There was a guy a few seats down from me last year that videoed several bands. It makes me angry that it seems once you are passed the front door security it is tolerated. I once again will NOT be bringing my digital camera out of respect for Glenn and this festival, but I'm sure I wont be quick to point out violators as in the past.

That particular situation should have been an easy VIP pass upgrade for you. Maybe we can improve the notification and identification process somehow this year.
Two things:

Report the bootlegger to MY staff..not the venue staff. Get your VIP badge upgrade. I can't be everywhere at once, but I sure as fuck try.

There are anywhere close to 100 people that are indeed allowed to be carrying regular digital cameras at any time as Esa pointed out.
I can vouch for the upgrade... how I got into the whole thing @ PP6. I nailed someone during the Conception set, and Glenn took care of me. The rest is literally history. Help everyone take down those who are too stupid, or too arrogant, to follow the rules... and you will be rewarded handsomely.
Does anyone know if Center Stage has wifi? I have an itouch and wouldn't mind being able to entertain myself between sets. Thanks.