accessing tracks on CDs with other data


Everyone's Bitch
Feb 8, 2002
Pittsburgh, PA USA
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(I also posted this on the In Flames page)

Hi everyone,
On CD's such as Damage Done and, say, IF's Clayman, which have other data on them (the Monochromatic Stains video and the IF screen saver, respectively), how does one access the tracks? I can't add them to my playlist in Winamp, nor can I rip the tracks with CDEX.

Many thanks.
click on Winamp's menu (upper left corner)--->Play--->Audio CD

and CDex, rips the tracks perfectly, maybe you just have a shitty cdrom drive
Actually, this may also be due to your WinAmp version, I know when I had my 2.xx I couldn't read CDs with videos at the end (thats an assholic way to protect a CD btw, too many bands are using it these days, lucky for us it's not perfect), I changed to version 3 of WinAmp and now I can read the ones I was able earlier.
So, it could be that or you have a shitty CD-drive-
Go to MY COMPUTER, right click on the CD ROM drive, select EXPLORE, and it will show you what's inside, and select that like you would any normal file...