AcmeBarGig Tribe Acoustic Modeler(Almost)


May 11, 2009
Hey guys I Have not been around much lately, sorry, but I've been in research mode. About a month ago we released Tribe IR Amp. Its basic idea was to be able to place an IR in it and hopefully model an acoustic. Well we are now the closest we have ever been. I am still not entirely happy with it, but when you hear the demo later in this post you'll see what I mean. IMO it is really close..


Here's the demo..

Anyways that si one of the developments, as well as Albedo Delay. Albedo allows you to select up to 4 frequencies and add a del;ay to each of them with PAN

We also have a new Noisegate called Splatt, Splatt has Hiss Filters based on LP and HP filters, but more important it features 2 parameteric EQ's. One is before the gate, and one is after and they can be linked to one another Inversely. So the idea for these EQ's is to take out AC Hum or other stuff. You use the first EQ@-30db to take the noise out, and after the gate, you use the second EQ@ up tio +40db to put back in the frequencies that you took out before the gate. So you loose virtually no tone..

We also have a nw amp called CYAN, and DIG 2.5 is in beta...So, we've been busy, but waiting to release all of these at once. Thy will all be freeware!

So, once again, I thank you for your interest and really hope you find these plugs useful.
Also, dude, that Splatt description sounds incredible. Do you have any demos of what that can do? I've never met a gate I liked more than I like the sound of an amp's noise floor, but I'm stoked just hearing about this.
Yes that is a Gregg Bennet Samick Ultramatic 4 with the pickup selector in the middle.

Splatt I really have no demos for it, but Here is a screenshot...We have been testing it with Telecastrs and all tyopes of single coils and it 90% removed the AC hum to point where it is almost not noticeable.
