AcmeBarGig Whisper Tube AMP


May 11, 2009
Here is an amp that first came out with DIG 2.0. It was added to that suite if you remember, because DIG 2.0 had a hard time getting nice clean tones. Well as for about a zillion requests from ABG testers and the public in general Here it is, a standalone version of Whisper with a 12AU7 tube added...

Whisper still has all the same great crystal clear sound it did before, but now you can warm it up VIA 12AU7 Tube. It has a relatively mild drive to it if you want as well. This is done by adjusting the tube drive knob above the Master Volume..
So we will be releasing this I think today,
Well the only thing I can say as far as MAC is concerned, I can't make promises but stay tuned...