Adam D micing tips

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I programmed and tweaked the drums first. Tried to get the same pop out of the snare. Then I threw the DI's through my Randall RM100 into a Maxon OD808. The module in the Randall was the Treadplate module. Maxon was set at noon for every knob cept the tone knob and that was 12:30-1:00ish. Cab was a Mesa 2X12 with a SM57 pointed half on, half off of the cone 6 inches away from where the grill normally is (I keep the grill off, the mesa logo is attached to a bit of wood that hangs out over the speaker and I realized it was finding its way into the recorded sound). I used absolutely nothing on the guitars, no lopass, hipass, multiband compressor, or post eq. The tone might be a little bright but I was dicking with the presence knob a bit before I read the thread and forgot to put it back where I normally have it. Overall, one of the better "naked" tones I've gotten thus far.

I like the tone I got, just proves there are multiple ways to skin a cat. Your thoughts?

Shit, that sounds really nice! I've never tried such distance for hi-gain guitars, and would've never thought of it working so well.
Yeah, nothing on guitars at all. Just didn't seem like they needed it when I set levels against the drums. I put stuff on but I didn't think it was essential so I left them off in the end. They are Marcus' DI's so he would be the one to answer the one about the guitars and pickups. I reamped through a Radial X-Amp. That's about all that was in the signal path other than the stuff I described earlier. My interface is a Metric Halo ULN-2.

This amp is kinda wierd to describe because the level knob on the modules can crank the hell out of the amp with the master set low. I will say it was loud but not painful loud if you were in the room with the cab. Standard rock out volume... Marcus' DI's are typically top notch. I've dicked around with a few he's posted before but these were the first I've used in a full mix. The bass was a Ibanez SR505 with bartolini's into a J48. I used basic plugins in Logic 9 and Amp Designer to treat the bass DI. The amp was a "tweed" model with a 4x10 cab. Nothing off the wall. Thx for posting these up Marcus!
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I programmed and tweaked the drums first. Tried to get the same pop out of the snare. Then I threw the DI's through my Randall RM100 into a Maxon OD808. The module in the Randall was the Treadplate module. Maxon was set at noon for every knob cept the tone knob and that was 12:30-1:00ish. Cab was a Mesa 2X12 with a SM57 pointed half on, half off of the cone 6 inches away from where the grill normally is (I keep the grill off, the mesa logo is attached to a bit of wood that hangs out over the speaker and I realized it was finding its way into the recorded sound). I used absolutely nothing on the guitars, no lopass, hipass, multiband compressor, or post eq. The tone might be a little bright but I was dicking with the presence knob a bit before I read the thread and forgot to put it back where I normally have it. Overall, one of the better "naked" tones I've gotten thus far.

I like the tone I got, just proves there are multiple ways to skin a cat. Your thoughts?

Just wow that sounds really good!
No post processing at all, huh?
Wish I could actually record real amps and try this out. haha
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I programmed and tweaked the drums first. Tried to get the same pop out of the snare. Then I threw the DI's through my Randall RM100 into a Maxon OD808. The module in the Randall was the Treadplate module. Maxon was set at noon for every knob cept the tone knob and that was 12:30-1:00ish. Cab was a Mesa 2X12 with a SM57 pointed half on, half off of the cone 6 inches away from where the grill normally is (I keep the grill off, the mesa logo is attached to a bit of wood that hangs out over the speaker and I realized it was finding its way into the recorded sound). I used absolutely nothing on the guitars, no lopass, hipass, multiband compressor, or post eq. The tone might be a little bright but I was dicking with the presence knob a bit before I read the thread and forgot to put it back where I normally have it. Overall, one of the better "naked" tones I've gotten thus far.

I like the tone I got, just proves there are multiple ways to skin a cat. Your thoughts?

Nice find, man. I'll definitely be backing off the distance a hell of a lot more in the future.
I've never been able to reproduce some of the stellar miked tones from dudes on here before using the same placement and technique ideas...I've always found I have better luck backing off a little...Whereas most guys say a half inch to inch, I usually mic between 1 1/2 - 3" off...Seems like I get a better sound for me personally.
blows my mind that there's no post processing on that. If I didn't know it, I would have defenitely thought that was the original.

I had to try it too, although in a hurry, basically just threw the 57 in front of the cab.. Also tried that further away mic placement, somewhere around 10 inches in this one. Gotta try tomorrow to get something little more aggressive and not so scooped, this was a lot of fun!

So huge thanks to Metaltastic and Rob Logic! :)

EDIT: Heh, maybe not 10 inches... :D confused centimeters and inches, that happens when you are tired. :D