wtf man, random postOriginally posted by bodomite
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
na verdade naum parece nenhum dos 2... eh tipo... ÁGUA! (agua misturada com sorvete de flocos, mas o sorvete derreteu, pra ser mais exato)
Originally posted by Tut Ankh Amon
Originally posted by SSJ4SephirothX
C'mon man, please? LOL, I want to know.
hahahahahaha o que eu podia esperar de alguém que escuta Dream Theater né? tinha que ficar com diarréia mesmo hahahaha
is just that tut is feelling very well...( he is shiting like crazy )Originally posted by SSJ4SephirothX
What the hell you talking about?
tHEY are toalking about getting together in rio they all live in rio...see?
Hey Dawnghost, what did you say about Dream Theater? Just curious.