Agalloch Call It Quits

Lol I was only partially being serious. Just for laughs. I agree with what Jerry said but I also imagine there was some type of contract where Haughm received the majority of the funds from touring and can make a living doing it but Anderson didn't quite get the same thing.
I have no idea what it's like to be in a band but I'm pretty sure you can't expect to make a living doing it. Am I wrong? Maybe Anderson was sick of being broke. Maybe Haughm should get a square job. Then they could meet in the middle and be happy (or miserable) together
a band the level of agalloch could probably do it professionally. as in: they could probably make a ~= minimum wage living of it by touring constantly, compromising their artistic integrity, making more wooden-box-with-twigs-from-the-tree-in-my-back-yard-and-a-custom-drawing-by-my-daughter editions, occasionally living on ramen when the stars don't align etc

music as business was a already a bad idea in the 80's; it's orders of magnitude worse now
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btw that billboard interview is actually cool because both parties come across as level-headed and sympathetic and i'm glad they're both class acts and do their best to not tarnish the reputation of what is after all the band that wrote The World's Number One #1 Best Album of All Time Bar None
Following the split between the three members of AGALLOCH (Don Anderson, Jason Walton, Aesop Dekker) and John Haughm, the former three remained committed to working, writing, and playing together and immediately began considering a fourth member to complete a new project. The three agreed that Aaron John Gregory whose band - Sacramento/Bay Area based, progressive, doom-rock outfit, GIANT SQUID - would be perfect to work with. GIANT SQUID had recently wrapped up a 12-year long career with farewell shows last October, so the timing for everyone couldn't be better.

Guitarist Don Anderson explains: “Actually, the first person that came to all of our minds was our good friend Aaron. AGALLOCH played with GIANT SQUID years ago and we’ve remained fans and friends ever since. Aaron is a strong and dynamic vocalist with the necessary guitar chops and was all too perfect for a new project.”

Bassist Jason Walton further elaborates: “We didn’t want AGALLOCH to end—sure, there were definitely changes that needed to be addressed, but Don, Aesop, and I had every intention to tour in 2017 and spend the remainder of 2016 writing new AGALLOCH material for the 6th record. We don’t see why John splitting from us should stop us from playing and writing together. It wasn’t even an option.”

Regarding his longtime relationship with the guys from AGALLOCH, Aaron says: "In my many years of playing heavy music, there are few people I've met with more heart, modesty, talent and ambition than these three dudes. I've known Don and Jason since our early days as label mates on The End Records, and had the privilege of getting to know and bond with Aesop when GIANT SQUID and LUDICRA toured in 2007. For years now, I've watched with great pride and admiration as their collective careers sky rocketed and as their music continuously touched thousands of people's lives. Regardless of our existing friendship, to get the call from them asking to join up and build a new beast, is a massive honor for me, and certainly one of the most exciting opportunities of my musical life."

The band insists they have no interest in repeating the sound of either of the former bands. “There is no way I’d want to do that” Anderson insists. “We respect the legacies of both AGALLOCH and GIANT SQUID too much to exploit them. Obviously, some of those sounds might creep in, but as far as intending to channel that style—no way. We all want to do something new.”

Gregory agrees, adding that: "All of us were so excited to hear what this could sound like, that we immediately started demoing within the first week after they reached out to me. We've all gotten chills after hearing some of the results. There is something incredibly powerful and monstrously heavy happening here, and we can't wait to see it take full form."
KHÔRADA has dug in deep into the writing process for their debut album, and will finalize things in the near future."
Pillorian, the new band formed by Stephen Parker (Maestus/ex-Arkhum), John Haughm (ex-Agalloch), and Trevor Matthews (Uada/ex-Infernus), will release their debut album through Eisenwald in early 2017.

Exploring the context of obscurity, Pillorian takes inspiration from blackened metal, dark folk, and avantgarde music. Adding something ancient that hovers within the music and its somber aura, it helps to fortify the group’s audial scope in an unconventional way.

Pillorian plans to record this Fall/Winter, with further information to be revealed at a later point.
Pillorian, the new band formed by Stephen Parker (Maestus/ex-Arkhum), John Haughm (ex-Agalloch), and Trevor Matthews (Uada/ex-Infernus), will release their debut album through Eisenwald in early 2017.

Exploring the context of obscurity, Pillorian takes inspiration from blackened metal, dark folk, and avantgarde music. Adding something ancient that hovers within the music and its somber aura, it helps to fortify the group’s audial scope in an unconventional way.

Pillorian plans to record this Fall/Winter, with further information to be revealed at a later point.

I'm definitely feeling more interested in this project than the other post-Agalloch project. Super curious how this will turn out. By the way, looks like they will be debuting below for anyone interested and can make it to The Netherlands:

Also, here's the solo project of Stephen Parker, which I've been digging lately. Might give some insight into how this could shape up:
I have no idea what it's like to be in a band but I'm pretty sure you can't expect to make a living doing it. Am I wrong? Maybe Anderson was sick of being broke. Maybe Haughm should get a square job. Then they could meet in the middle and be happy (or miserable) together
Of all the professional full-time musicians I know, 99% of them fall into one of the following two camps:

A) They work a variety of weird jobs on the side.
B) The have a financially stable wife (nurse, attorney, etc.)

This includes those that play with stupid famous people. The other 1% are stupid famous themselves.
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Of all the professional full-time musicians I know, 99% of them fall into one of the following two camps:

A) They work a variety of weird jobs on the side.
B) The have a financially stable wife (nurse, attorney, etc.)

This includes those that play with stupid famous people. The other 1% are stupid famous themselves.

I'll gladly play a tune for you Tuesday for a Hamburger Today. Wtf is this tripe?

These cucks want a $1 a month donation to fund their beer cooler while they lounge about writing garbo. Never heard a note, but I'd say it's a rather safe assumption.