
Agalloch is great. How do you find them depressing? They have a very frosty atmosphere at times but I wouldn't call them depressing at all compared to basically any doom metal. The Mantle is much, much better than Pale Folklore. NFU is right on about the "It cried like a river of shadows..." part. It's horrid. The vocals are fine to me. They are better on The Mantle I think. The band also seems to borrow heavily from a variety of influences, especially Ulver, which is fine by me.
MasterOLightning said:
The vocals are fine to me. They are better on The Mantle I think. The band also seems to borrow heavily from a variety of influences, especially Ulver, which is fine by me.
the vocals remind me of bergtatt in places...."like snowfall, she cried a silent storm..."
AnTz0r said:
A week ago i got 2 of their cd's from a friend of mine, he knows i like opeth, he told me agalloch kind of resembled opeth.

so i listened it...

i haver NEVER heard any music that is as depressing as this. to me it sounds nothin like opeth.

i listened to the first song and then was so depressed i hit the stop button.

kudos to agalloch for making music that is able to do that, but i am not going to listen to it again, i want to be happy...

or am i just missing something?
If you want happy music then shut up and listen to Britney Spears.
shark22 said:
I think they are terrible, downloaded a few from Mantle and was bored about 3 minutes into it. The vocals are also sucky.
You're hardly in a position to judge a band from hearing 3 minutes of them.
R0l0 said:
Great band but I sort of agree about the vocals-- the growls are fine but I find the singing to be slightly annoying. The atmosphere they create with the music makes up for it though :)
Listen to Pale Folklore if you haven't already. There's very few clean vocals.
NineFeetUnderground said:
Their first album had some very cliched and awful parts, such as that "it cried like a river of shadows blah blah blah" part, which just makes me want to scream everytime i hear that....
I agree with you to an extent, when I first started listening to them I thought they [the lyrics] were really emo and silly, but you begin to understand that Agalloch is a medium for Haughm to express his feelings and views, they are a dark and gothic band, and this is what they set out to do. If you can't appreciate this then don't bother listening.
NineFeetUnderground said:
They get better on each release, that being 4 now i beleive
You mean 2, Of Stone Wind and Pillor and the other EP's hardly count as releases. I'm looking forward to a new release which will hopefully be out late this year, or early next year.
very few bands can capture the american wilderness and all the things about living here that are nice rather than focusing on all the turmoil and negativity.agalloch is the only band that i think captures the rugged beauty of the north american wild.they are very atmospheric ,passionate and inspired.i have 3 releases by them and eagerly await should give them anotherchance.even my wife likes them.theres something about them thats totally special and unique.

play list:
rapture"the silent stage"
anathema"the silent enigma"
swallow the sun:full length
dissection"storm of the lights bane"
Agalloch is one of my favourite bands ever.. I have no problem with the clean vocals whatsoever. They fit the music 100%
I thought Pale Folklore was brilliant, but found The Mantle to be very dissapointing. It was very dull and uninspired.
ænimated said:
You mean 2, Of Stone Wind and Pillor and the other EP's hardly count as releases. I'm looking forward to a new release which will hopefully be out late this year, or early next year.

theyve had 2 full albums yes...but they have grown considerably with EACH release, even if theyre smaller EPs...that much is clear and obvious i think.
AnTz0r said:
read this:

they dont even want to describe music with words...

Holy shit, I hope these guys aren't being serious.

Would you mind giving us a small description of your music?

Anderson: Yes I do mind. Generalizations are a form of lazy thinking. Language is ultimately useless when it comes to signifying anything truly. It is better to express feelings and emotions through non-discursive mediums such as cinema, visual arts, and music. Music is the medium we as artists have chosen to express our ideas. To attempt a rhetorical equivalent would be foolish and do nothing more than undermine the integrity of art.

Holy fuck! what a pompous dickhead! this is the kind of shit that gives progressive extreme metal a bad name....or fuck, metal in general.

What exactly are the band's influences? What do you guys listen to?

Anderson: Right now I am listening to Amon Duul II "Yeti." However, our influences really stem more from cinema than from music. Images provide us with as much, if not more, inspiration than music. I think its unproductive to be directly influenced by something within your medium, so we really rely a lot on cinema. I think the images found in the films of Bergman, Jodorowsky, Bava, and Jarmusch, lend more to the work of Agalloch than any single band.

Bava? Jarmusch? What is he trying to do? He's just fucking made up those names to sound smart.

How well versed is the band in musical theory? Your music (and Sculptured's, for that matter) seems to show that there have been extensive studies in this field, is there any truth to this assumption?

Anderson: I was a music major for two years before switching to English Literature. Jason has also taken courses in music theory.

God dammit, Anderson, Jason's recorder lessons in 5th grade don't count.

Just the way you see it and think of it. What is "dark neo-folk metal" (as the label calls you) and how would you describe your style to a new listener?

Anderson: Not to ignore your question, but again, I really can't do this because aside from what I explained in response to your last question it is also impossible to honestly step outside one's self and be objective about one's art. The label came up with the term "dark neo-folk metal." We had nothing to do with it. We understand that it is marketable to do this, but Agalloch does not play such rhetorical games. Writing about music is like dancing about architecture. We could go around in circles like this for pages upon pages.

Wow. "AGALLOCH DOES NOT PLAY SUCH GAMES. AGALLOCH IS INCAPABLE OF HUMAN EMOTION AND MARKETING DECISIONS. AGALLOCH WILL IGNORE OUR INSIDIOUS NON-KVLT LABEL'S ATTEMPTS TO MARKET OUR AMAZING SOUND, AS WE ARE PROGRAMMED TO ROCK OUT IN A PURELY NAPOLEONIC MANNER." Just....ok first off, way to steal a Zappa quote, but besides that, another excellent way to let people know you're above "such rhetorical games" and are incredibly elite in the universe of respectable music.

Where do you think metal is headed in the future? Do you see a positive or a negative future for metal in general?

Anderson: Right now I think its in a really bad state. There are too many bands, labels and webzines. The scene is grossly over-saturated. There is not enough originality or aesthetic care in the production of albums. These are the reasons I have not been too heavily involved in the scene.

Haughm: I don't really pay attention to the metal scene anymore. For me, it reached it's pinnacle between 1996 and 1997 and has spiraled downward ever since. I have little faith it will get better and frankly I don't care what happens with it.

Was ANYONE in Agalloch around in 1985? Come on! Anderson says, "Rarrrgh, too much exposure now" - typical, as metal's popularity seems to be growing again, for these elite prog-related dudes to immediately distance themselves. This is followed by Haughm's gay ass talking about how good metal was in FUCKING 1996. Does this dude fucking remember what 1996 was? It was Marilyn Manson and fucking Oasis. What about late 80s, when some of the best fucking ORIGINAL death bands were around?

I love Agalloch (I'm listening to Pale Folklore right now, actually), but damn these guys are douches. This pisses me off - I've been digging this band, but after reading that interview, it just seems like such a "HAY WERE DIFFERENT!" ploy.

You know, this wouldn't happen if Mike were in Agalloch. He'd keep it real, tell things plain and simple, just like he did with some fans whining "OMG AN ACOUSTIC ALBUM" (about Damnation), or like when he helped defeat the Japanese army in the Battle of Midway, or when he invented the cotton gin, OR when he saved Dani Filth from a nearly-tragic leather pant-clenching.


damn, Dani! That sure is a bitchin' mesh/suspender combination.

So in conclusion, fuck Agalloch's prissy attitudes, and just for good measure, fuck Dani Filth. that fag.
Yeah, congrats Senzen, I haven't pretend-toasted to any bit of prose so much in recent memory :)

Kind of sets my dislike of their music in stone.

'Language is ultimately useless when it comes to signifying anything truly'

And you've gotta ask yourself... what would Allan Poe say?

*shuddering*... we've wasted centuries on poetry, my Lord!
Saying that Haughm made up those filmmakers is just plain stupid. Any decent knowledge of film and you'd know who they were.
Décadent said:
Who fucking cares?

It's just funny, man. the guy talks like he's fucking da Vinci...he's just in a doom metal band. I mean, like I said, I love Agalloch, but damn that interview was funny as hell to read.

Agalloch said:
Saying that Haughm made up those filmmakers is just plain stupid. Any decent knowledge of film and you'd know who they were.

Holy fucking shit. Tell me you're kidding, please.