
I don't know how people like those vocals (then again, I said the same thing about death growls not too long ago). They're just... creaky. It drives me nuts.
Agalloch is an awesome band. i love all their releases, but The Mantle is a top masterpiece. Their vocals are brilliant! its useless to compare them to Opeth. these bands are totally unsimilar. i personally like The Mantle more than any Opeth release, although MAYH is close behind.
that interview is quite amusing, i remember reading it a while back and laughing my ass off.

for the record though...that interview is 300 times more pretentious and arrogant than ANYTHING steven wilson has probably ever said in his life....just for you nay-sayers edification.

but on a side note...he didnt make those directors up...they are indeed quite good, just not very well known.

and he was dead on balls about the metal scene reaching its peak in 1996-1997 and being pretty much shit far as contemporary metal goes.
Moonlapse said:
'Language is ultimately useless when it comes to signifying anything truly'

And you've gotta ask yourself... what would Allan Poe say?

*shuddering*... we've wasted centuries on poetry, my Lord!

Damn! My brother is wasting thousands of dollars on his uni degree, when all this time he should be watching movies! If only he'd known!

Eheheh I like how he says how useless language is when doing an interview to appear in writing..
if words are useless why would he spent time writing lyrics? i think we would all be better off without that horrendous voice baffling in the mic...
What is wrong with that interview? Is it because he uses big words which scare you all? This is one of the better, more down to earth reviews I've seen lately, maybe you lot should read ones like this and this and tell me this one is stupid.

Even waz is smarter than some of you guys.

Sanzen said:
This is followed by Haughm's gay ass talking about how good metal was in FUCKING 1996. Does this dude fucking remember what 1996 was? It was Marilyn Manson and fucking Oasis. What about late 80s, when some of the best fucking ORIGINAL death bands were around?
Metal was at it's pinnacle around 1996 (maybe a little bit earlier), all the black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release (Emperor - Anthems to The Welkin at Dusk, Burzum - Filosofem, Ulver - Nattens Madrigal) and death metal was starting to finish up as well (Suffocation - Pierced From Within, Cryptopsy - None So Vile, Death - Symbolic). Maybe you were joking, but you've got a bad use of sarcasm.
@nfu: "john denver" :tickled:

@haggard: yea it's pretty pretentious but i can see what he's saying and it doesn't make me respect them less. i'm with déc, who fucking cares.

as for the vocals, they improved significantly between the two full-lengths, and i highly anticipate their next.
He's basically right about not really being able to explain music in that interview. There are two usual ways to describe music. 1.) Comparison to other bands. 2.) Vague adjectives, that when used in the context of a certain genre, recall sounds of other bands. Neither of these ways use words to express the music, they rely on the other person recalling things from memory. These are perfectly fine and good ways to describe music, but they really only help people to make associations.

He's also right that metal has gotten mostly worse since 1996-7. 89-96 are the peak years, and depending on personal tastes, one could argue that any of those years is the best, probably.
Jon Snow said:
Why were '96 to '97 the peak years?
ænimated said:
Metal was at it's pinnacle around 1996 (maybe a little bit earlier), all the black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release (Emperor - Anthems to The Welkin at Dusk, Burzum - Filosofem, Ulver - Nattens Madrigal) and death metal was starting to finish up as well (Suffocation - Pierced From Within, Cryptopsy - None So Vile, Death - Symbolic).
ænimated said:
What is wrong with that interview? Is it because he uses big words which scare you all? This is one of the better, more down to earth reviews I've seen lately

You've got to be fucking joking. Can you honestly sit there and say that that interview isn't a gigantic lump of bullshit? Who talks like that? When the interviewer says "Can you describe your sound for the people that haven't heard your music yet?" and you decide to be a complete dickhead and say that your music is so unique and special that THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS NOT CAPABLE OF DESCRIBING ITS BEAUTY AND YOU ARE LUCKY YOUR PUNY HUMAN BRAIN DOES NOT EXPLODE UPON HEARING IT, then you are a fucking asshole. These dudes need a wake-up call - I like Agalloch a whole lot, but come on - they play doom metal and don't sound THAT MUCH different than any other of the thousand European gothic-doom metal bands. This interview makes them look like assholes, and if you think the reason I don't like it is because "they use big words", get your head out of your ass and think about what you just read.

On the other hand, it appears you are a Tool fan. In that case, the more pretentious, the better. Eh? Am I right?

Even waz is smarter than some of you guys.

waz was my economics professor at Princeton. Did you know that? man, I bet your face is red right now.

Metal was at it's pinnacle around 1996 (maybe a little bit earlier), all the black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release (Emperor - Anthems to The Welkin at Dusk, Burzum - Filosofem, Ulver - Nattens Madrigal) and death metal was starting to finish up as well (Suffocation - Pierced From Within, Cryptopsy - None So Vile, Death - Symbolic). Maybe you were joking, but you've got a bad use of sarcasm.

No, I wasn't joking. READ WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID. "Black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release....death metal was starting to finish up as well." Hmm! Let's examine a common bond in those two're talking about these newest genres of metal ENDING. The bands putting out their last great releases. Can you honestly compare that with the mid to late 80s? Like it or not, that WAS the best period for metal, in terms of quality bands, releases, originality and musicianship. Slayer, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Cynic, the entire Bay Area thrash scene, the emergence of death metal. By far the most productive and innovative time for metal. Please don't try to argue that fucking 1996 was a better year for metal, because if that's what you think, you probably have Down's Syndrome. sorry brah.
Sanzen said:
No, I wasn't joking. READ WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID. "Black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release....death metal was starting to finish up as well." Hmm! Let's examine a common bond in those two're talking about these newest genres of metal ENDING. The bands putting out their last great releases. Can you honestly compare that with the mid to late 80s? Like it or not, that WAS the best period for metal, in terms of quality bands, releases, originality and musicianship. Slayer, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Cynic, the entire Bay Area thrash scene, the emergence of death metal. By far the most productive and innovative time for metal. Please don't try to argue that fucking 1996 was a better year for metal, because if that's what you think, you probably have Down's Syndrome. sorry brah.

it really depends on what you feel was a more important or significant era probably. If youre more into classic metal and heavy or thrash metal, then most likely the 80s will be the high time for you. If one is more into doom/black/death and more of the subgenres and underground of metal, then the 90s will be the pinnacle for that person. Youre arguing of this topic is acknowledged but rather fruitless.

and yes, you are indeed a retard for thinking those film makers are some sort of fantasy of his. but most of everything you said was quite accurate.
R0l0 said:
you tell 'em, TheGrudge311 :rolleyes:

Hey, I liked Tool a lot more 5 years ago. Great musicians still, but they just strike me as really arrogant now.

NineFeetUnderground said:
and yes, you are indeed a retard for thinking those film makers are some sort of fantasy of his. but most of everything you said was quite accurate.

God dammit, I've already addressed this, man. IT WAS A JOKE. Obviously I know he didn't just fucking make up those guys to sound smart. He's not that stupid. example of absurdist humor
Sanzen said:
On the other hand, it appears you are a Tool fan. In that case, the more pretentious, the better. Eh? Am I right?
R0l0 said:
you tell 'em, TheGrudge311 :rolleyes:
Wow someone's hypocritical.

Sanzen said:
No, I wasn't joking. READ WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID. "Black metal bands were finishing up and making their last decent release....death metal was starting to finish up as well." Hmm! Let's examine a common bond in those two're talking about these newest genres of metal ENDING. The bands putting out their last great releases.
Isn't that what a pinnacle is? The end?
Sanzen said:
Can you honestly compare that with the mid to late 80s? Like it or not, that WAS the best period for metal, in terms of quality bands, releases, originality and musicianship. Slayer, Metallica, Morbid Angel, Cynic, the entire Bay Area thrash scene, the emergence of death metal. By far the most productive and innovative time for metal. Please don't try to argue that fucking 1996 was a better year for metal, because if that's what you think, you probably have Down's Syndrome. sorry brah.
I personally don't like Slayer and Metallica, and Cynic and Morbid Angel are so-so in my books.
Ninefeetunderground said:
it really depends on what you feel was a more important or significant era probably. If youre more into classic metal and heavy or thrash metal, then most likely the 80s will be the high time for you. If one is more into doom/black/death and more of the subgenres and underground of metal, then the 90s will be the pinnacle for that person. Youre arguing of this topic is acknowledged but rather fruitless.
That would be me, thank you for clearing that up ninefeetunderground.
@Sanzen: You still are a retard for that filmmaker joke. When making a serious argument as you were, a joke like that undermines whatever good points you make.

It's pretty stupid to argue which year was the best for metal, since it's just an arbitrary way to classify music. You should argue over different eras instead, which will just lead nowhere. I happen to think that '90-'94 are the best years.