
MasterOLightning said:
@Sanzen: You still are a retard for that filmmaker joke. When making a serious argument as you were, a joke like that undermines whatever good points you make.

Oh god, let the fucking filmmaker comment go and quit being such a goddamn nitpicking pussy. In case you haven't noticed, most of my posts tend to be a little sarcastic or all-around "zany", "wacky", and/or "off the wall." Making one joke does not negate everything else in a post. the Opeth board is second to none in terms of people, like yourself, that have no clue what a joke is, AND, in addition, can't see past humor to any other meaning.

an example: MasterOLightning accidently wanders into a library.

MasterOLightning: Wait a minute, this isn't the liquor store! what are all these square things?....Johnathan Swift's A Modest Proposal? This is about EATING BABIES! Good god, this man is a MONSTER.

An intelligent person: Um, actually it's a work of satirical and absurdist humor. Behind the ridiculous idea of selling babies as meat, Swift is actually making a point about the relationship between tenants and landowners.

MasterOLightning: WHAT?!?! No, he's not - this BABY EATING idea totally undermines anything that Swift is trying to say! What a retard! I can't believe this man wants to EAT BABIES!

lol j/k good argument though.
Hey, the Irish were starving at the time. Eating babies was a good idea. It could have helped in two ways 1) Food source and 2) Less mouths to feed. A genious. Plus babies taste like chicken.
Sanzen said:
fuck the filmmaker quote, that word alone demolishes the integrity of your entire post history to this point. also, how dare you reference swift when you don't even know who bava and jarmusch are?

also, jon's wrong, babies taste like pork not chicken
cthulufhtagn said:
fuck the filmmaker quote, that word alone demolishes the integrity of your entire post history to this point. also, how dare you reference swift when you don't even know who bava and jarmusch are?

also, jon's wrong, babies taste like pork not chicken

Not according to Eddie Izzard.
Whoever said that Agalloch is an overated band on this forum is a retard. Just look at the gross of the replies.
And concerning the interview, yes, their quite full of themselves. But their right you know.
Brains for breakfast said:
Whoever said that Agalloch is an overated band on this forum is a retard. Just look at the gross of the replies.
And concerning the interview, yes, their quite full of themselves. But their right you know.

god dammit do i have to do it with this too?

Wow, I love Agalloch, but what a pretentious bunch of bullshitters. They certainly make good atmospheric black/doom metal, but they are not reinventing the electric sitar here.
haggard remains my favorite and most entertaining forum member. i wanted to tell you guys that. he's hot too.
"Agalloch is just a doom metal band" "Agalloch is no different than any other gothic/dark metal band"....christ guys, he's in a fucking band....if the guy loves his music and is real into cinema, then let him remain with those thoughts. Everyone on here is an asshole in their own way ...we're all assholes. Musicians are pissed off assholes. But to get to the real point here...Agalloch is way different then all doom/gothic bands around nowadays. They're better than mourning beloveth, sins of thy beloved, saturnus, avernus, all my faith lost, woods of ypres, dark suns...all of them. They one of the only metal related American bands left that really do it for me. Pale Folklore is a masterpeice, not too many records sound like the Agalloch records. Let them be masters of the current unique metal art. Thank you.