Aggressive Atheism

I really dont care what MAN can teach them, I want to know when they are going to stop all the swinging and screaching and just play guitar, maybe sing me a lullaby. I mean they have had 10,000 fucking years to "evolve" yet all I get is a screach. Fair question from one open minded atheist to another of whatever commitment.

actually, this poses an interesting evolutionary question,
if humankind evolved out of monkeys, then why do monkeys still exist?
I really dont care what MAN can teach them, I want to know when they are going to stop all the swinging and screaching and just play guitar, maybe sing me a lullaby. I mean they have had 10,000 fucking years to "evolve" yet all I get is a screach. Fair question from one open minded atheist to another of whatever commitment.

Humans and all primates have a COMMON ANCESTOR. The same way ALL DOGs have common ancestors in Wolves.

FFS IF you would have watched the youtube link I posted you would have found that out withing the first 10 min, when they talk about it.

Monkeys are evolved. They needed different things for their evolution and that is why they have feet that are more akin to a hand, and a tail, because they need them to survive in the jungles and trees.

Any other stupid ass creationist comments can be directed and answered at this site
YET>>> ALL DOGS even my beloved Malamutes are far inferior to the Wolf with many of the breeds being a total disgrace to the name of Canis, rapidly diversified into "pure bred" strains of a variety of appearences from hidous to handsome by *MAN* yet all have the same basic mentality and needs.

*MAN* the singular mammal that has overcome all odds of being "humanly possible", nearly dominanting all forces of nature and natural selection all throw down as "evolution" yet the rest of the animal world is helpless and resourseful at best with all dayly activities being routeen motor functions with little to no thought behind them.

I simply want to know when monkeys are going to stop screaching and sing me a lullaby ? for fucks sake at least my fucking Malamutes can sing... OMG, OMG does this mean we are an evolution of some per chance cross breading of a wolf and dumb ass fucking monkey.

Perhaps "scientists" have themselves become "monkey see monkey do" ?

anymore stupid ass answers ?
YET>>> ALL DOGS even my beloved Malamutes are far inferior to the Wolf with many of the breeds being a total disgrace to the name of Canis, rapidly diversified into "pure bred" strains of a variety of appearences from hidous to handsome by *MAN* yet all have the same basic mentality and needs.

*MAN* the singular mammal that has overcome all odds of being "humanly possible", nearly dominanting all forces of nature and natural selection all throw down as "evolution" yet the rest of the animal world is helpless and resourseful at best with all dayly activities being routeen motor functions with little to no thought behind them.

I simply want to know when monkeys are going to stop screaching and sing me a lullaby ? for fucks sake at least my fucking Malamutes can sing... OMG, OMG does this mean we are an evolution of some per chance cross breading of a wolf and dumb ass fucking monkey.

Perhaps "scientists" have themselves become "monkey see monkey do" ?

anymore stupid ass answers ?

You do realize that many monkey's and apes have very complex social orders much like our own. That and they can communicate with sign language if taught. Monkeys don't have the same vocal chords we developed with our need for communication and language.

I'm just glad your opinion has nothing to back it up, and so it is a baseless opinion.
I am seriously lost as to what kind of point you are even making. Cuz most of it makes little to no sense to start. You do know that the past isn't the same as now. Do you have any concept of 4.5 billion years? Is that really the problem.
Oh... how deep... the point is... while your running your mouth full bore... how in the hell is it you can not accept how people of faith... through all of sciences "quests" can not provide a single bit of sense as to why man developed thousands of percentile far beyond that of any other species on the planet.... and that those people of faith prefer to retain their faith and WILL... regardless how much you run your mouth.

Thats the fucking point !

Im well versed in Canis Fimiliaris as well as Lupus the master breed from which he was MUTATED from by MAN... not evolved... thats how deep that was and by golly gee went flying right over your scientific head that you commited yourself to such a statement as "Humans and all primates have a COMMON ANCESTOR. The same way ALL DOGs have common ancestors in Wolves." by which you commited yourself that if anything monkeys are mutations of mankind the master breed.

Here we are, stand out like a sore thumb (pun intended) far and above all other living species in abilities and intelligence and you simply cant understand and let it go that X percentage of the population of this planet has belief that it must have taken a divine creation to place mankind at this level... is nothing less than bullish. The same exact bullishness that led men with bible in hand to slay and conquer all other peoples... when none of it had anything to do with the bible other than be an excuse for bullish men.

Sorry this aint rocket science boys.
{my mutated wolf is now over in the corner looking up rocket science in Websters}
You do realize that many monkey's and apes have very complex social orders much like our own. That and they can communicate with sign language if taught. Monkeys don't have the same vocal chords we developed with our need for communication and language.

All mammals have a need for communication and do communicate, wheres their complex vocal chords, languages, written language, math equations, ect. ?

Do YOU realize that THE WOLF has a highly complex social order exactly like our own (less the pussifacation and need to outbreed their resourses) and can be trained to understand the human language as well as gestures and respond very well, rather than jump up on our heads and bite and rip our faces off ?
I'm just glad your opinion has nothing to back it up, and so it is a baseless opinion.
What needs backing up ? Im just stating the facts about a few species and why people of faith seem so compeled to believe as they do.
I am seriously lost as to what kind of point you are even making. Cuz most of it makes little to no sense to start. You do know that the past isn't the same as now. Do you have any concept of 4.5 billion years? Is that really the problem.

I covered the first part of your lost point in my last post. Now... do you suppose you have a better concept of 4.5 billion years than any other human walking the planet, and if so is this because "you've been there" ? Futher, the past isnt the same as now... IS THE SAME EXACT THING PEOPLE OF FAITH USE TO BACK UP THE STORIES OF THE BIBLE

Oh... how deep... the point is... while your running your mouth full bore... how in the hell is it you can not accept how people of faith... through all of sciences "quests" can not provide a single bit of sense as to why man developed thousands of percentile far beyond that of any other species on the planet....

Have you looked into this, or is it just that nobody wandering the street has come up and told you? There is good evidence that we killed off, or were in some way responsible for the demise of, anything too dangerous - ie chimps / bonobos are our nearest relative not because that's the way it's always been, but because they weren't problematic enough for our ancestors to hack to bits :)

Im well versed in Canis Fimiliaris as well as Lupus the master breed from which he was MUTATED from by MAN... not evolved...

Do you think wolves evolved free from the environmental pressures of other species on the planet?
I know all about evolution Blowtus, thats not my point. My point was to get it through the thick heads of the belligerant anti religious why such people cant help but still believe... in the face of science with all its good and bad... that there still must have been divine creation to set us so far apart... and further that its not really that hard to accept.

Then further to address so many points made by the man in the origional topic video that what he speaks of Gods rampage had nothing to do with "God" nor the books but lunatic, selfish, greedy men who used it as justification for their personal conquests. Absolutely no different than selfish greedy atheists use excuses of science and non existance of a God to justify dominance of others. With or without those books we would be exactly where we are today as a species. Rivers of blood would have still ran throughout our history, weaker specimens would have still been abused, misused, downtrodden... if not more so. Still many correctly functioning sexual pairs would still be grossed out by same sex... sex... and question if they have rights to adopt children... which they do have so they might better shut the fuck up because I do NOT approve and Im a atheist. In fact without the bleeding heart nature of many Christian groups AND science (though only monetarily driven) mankind would have retained a more pure form of natural selection and such whimpy crybabys claiming God is holding them down would have fallen pray to any of the many methods of natural selection.
Whenever I listen to religious people talk, I want to be an atheist.

Whenever I listen to atheists, I want to be religious.

I think I just want all arrogant, self-righteous pissants to be completely and utterly wrong.
Whenever I listen to religious people talk, I want to be an atheist.

Whenever I listen to atheists, I want to be religious.

I think I just want all arrogant, self-righteous pissants to be completely and utterly wrong.

Don't you think that you are being arrogant and self-righteous making that exact statement about people you perceive as being such?
I understand his statement perfectly, it refers to not being obnoxously bias, like a one way dead end street. Which is dull passionless and boring as shit.
Whenever I listen to religious people talk, I want to be an atheist.

Whenever I listen to atheists, I want to be religious.

I think I just want all arrogant, self-righteous pissants to be completely and utterly wrong.

You read my mind.
I seem like an atheist when talking with religious. And so religious when talking with atheists.
I just don't perceive theological subjects the same way as both sides.
actually, this poses an interesting evolutionary question,
if humankind evolved out of monkeys, then why do monkeys still exist?

Cause perhaps we didn't evolve from fucking monkeys :lol:
I could be wrong but isn't the theory of human evolution that we evolved from apes and not monkeys? If so then there is a difference between apes and monkeys...

I'm just glad your opinion has nothing to back it up, and so it is a baseless opinion.
I am seriously lost as to what kind of point you are even making. Cuz most of it makes little to no sense to start. You do know that the past isn't the same as now. Do you have any concept of 4.5 billion years? Is that really the problem.

What is his opinion? Fucked if I could work it out...