Album of 09.


Crippling Self Doubt
Apr 9, 2009
Album of 09 thread! Post your top 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, whatever you feel like :lol:

Mine :

1. Evile - Infected Nations
2. Mastodon - Crack the Skye
3. Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
4. Megadeth - Endgame
5. Lamb of God - Wrath
6. Hull - Sole Lord
7. Warbringer - Waking into Nightmares
8. Heaven and Hell - The Devil You Know
9. God Forbid - Earthsblood
10. Amorphis - Skyforger

(I don't like Behemoth or Nile in case you were wondering lol)
I already posted mine on Facebook and on but here;

5. Gama Bomb - Tales From The Grave In Space

Instead of being hypocritical bastards, these self-confessed pirate monkeys actively gave their new record away for absolutely fuck all. That aside, TFTGIS fucking rips - its a vast improvement upon 2008's "Citizen Brain" in both terms of production and songwriting. The band still retains the nice upbeat side of thrash whilst making the music heavier, faster and... well, just better. If you liked the last album, you'll fucking love this - it also gains bonus points for having a song entitled 'Escape From Scarecrow Mountain' which is probably the best song title in history. Nothing more to say, this is just really fucking good thrash metal of the highest quality!

4. Hospital of Death - Surge Kill Steal

Fuck me running! These guys have been one of my favourite UK thrash bands for awhile now, as last year's "Beer Bitches Blood" album was probably the best album of the year. A nice power-thrash sound going on with lashings of Judas Priest in there, and this second release shows more of everything much in the same way as Gama Bomb's new record up there. Keeping the humor intact with titles like 'Let's Go Apeshit!' yet keeping the music extremely enjoyable all the way through (especially with 'Deadly Wheels of Steel'), I anticipate even bigger and better things from these guys in the future. The cover of the Quincy theme tagged on the end is a massive bonus on top of an already tasty cake, and - again like Gama Bomb - the whole album is available for free download. Get it!

3. Mutant - Laserdrome

This release is almost at the status of 'legendary'. I still remember the immense buzz that was everywhere around the time of its release - usually I'd pass it off as needless hype and that the delivery will certainly disappoint. Man, I was so fucking wrong there! For a CD of only four songs, "Laserdrome" is an absolute behemoth! It goes without saying that the closing track 'The Rauncher' is one of the greatest songs of the year, if not the decade - and the rest of the EP, especally 'Scrap Brain Zone', will be chanted drunkenly for many years to come. The songwriting and musicianship is absolutely fucking astounding, and the sheer energy is just... it's mad, you usually only get a buzz like that from a live show! A really welcome surprise from these lads, who you could call a strange mix between Kreator, Coroner and Watchtower. Hey, that kinda sounds like....

2. Vektor - Black Future

... These guys! Holy fuck! Just... holy FUCK! A progressive tech-thrash band! A NEW one! SHIT! Where the fuck have they been hiding? I remember gossip about Vektor started up not too long ago, and after my assumptions being proven wrong beforehand by Mutant (hey, we all make mistakes) I checked them out straight away - I think they had samples from "Black Future" floating around here and there. Jesus fucking christ, this is EXACTLY what the so-called 'new wave of thrash' needed, they sound like Mutant only... dare I say this, slightly better (Note to Mutant: No offence, I love you guys). Think Mutant, Watchtower, Coroner, Destruction, Pariah and Voivod in a thrashing blender (especially Voivod! Massive Voivod influence here) and you have Vektor. A seriously impressive release, with two ten minute long songs and one thirteen minute long closing track that, oddly enough, don't get boring in the slightest. Probably the biggest surprise of the whole year for me - check out "Black Future" as soon as you can, because it fucking RIPS!

And the best album of the year goes to...

1. Evile - Infected Nations

I suppose a lot of people saw this coming, but.. well, up yours. When the band released the first three tracks online I had some slightly mixed feelings on it - Matt's vocals for one. Not that they're bad, but they were so radically different from his previous works that it kind of knocked me back. On top of that, I just thought the track didn't flow together too well, but then of course, I bought the full album and... needless to say, once again my initial judgement was flawed. "Infected Nations" is quite possibly the best metal album I've heard since Onslaught's "The Force", and those of you who know me will understand what a big deal that is. The album flows together absolutely fucking perfectly, in one of those strange ways where no song sounds alike yet, when listened from start to finish, it fits like a glove. Most of all, the band has actively tried to break away from the bog-standard thrash metal pigeonhole by exploiting their vast array of influences to the maximum - its still a thrash album, but there are countless progressive, doom, classical and death metal influences in there and I think that's helped keep everything fresh. These guys obviously knew what they were doing and they took their ideas and fucking ran with 'em, creating a truely magnificent piece of work that stands as a statement to these other thrash bands that says "We're trying something new, so step up your fucking game and stop pretending that it's 1986". And of course, with the recent passing of bassist Mike Alexander... well I needn't say anything there. At the end of the day, "Infected Nations" is a fucking colossal achievement and the band has set a brilliant example. In fact I actually called Ol after my first listen through and spent about five minutes stuttering, I was in complete disbelief. This is a mandatory album for anyone who claims they're a metal fan.

Thats all for the countdown folks, but before I go here are some special mentions for those who didn't make the top five;

Seregon - Disposable Suffering: I haven't actually heard the full EP yet, but what I heard knocked me flat on my ass and then kicked me in the tits. Like a bastard cross of Exhorder, Sepultura and Demolition Hammer, it's truely aggressive stuff and highly recommended!

Covet Chaos - Trailblazer In Space: An odd one, this. A very groovy, death metal-sludge-thrash mix reminiscent of Sepultura, Bolt Thrower, Napalm Death and Entombed. SHIT guitar tone (sorry Dan) but the songs are well done and its a solid release. Worth checking out.

Bone Gnawer - Feast of Flesh: Ahhh Kam Lee, how I love you so! This is death metal at its finest by the master himself, energetic and heavy as fuck. Full of fucking killer riffs and vile, venomous vocals with some brilliant solos and great production - what the hell, it's Kam Fucking Lee, I shouldn't have to persuade you to buy this. Just go and fucking buy it!

Warbringer - Waking Into Nightmares: A MASSIVE imprvement upon the rather shitty "War Without End". Warbringer upped their game big time on their second album and nowhave a much bigger death-thrash influence than before, and the execution is slick as they come. If they keep going in ths direction, they'll be unbeatable. A really fucking solid album.

Vindicator (UK) - Outbreak: Impressive to say the least, some very catchy stuff here and some blisteringly heavy material too ('The Unburied Dead' in particular stands out) but the vocals won't be to everyone's taste. Slightly inconsistant arrangement as the EP goes 'heavy-melodic-heavy-melodic' but it's a minor complaint. Up for free download on the Vindicator MySpace page so you've no excuse to miss out!

Bulldozer - Unexpected Fate: I was worried this wouldn't live up to my expectations, as I fucking loved Bulldozer's earlier works, but the and have managed to deliver. Their first release in about 20 years, Bulldozer have gone for a slightly more tech-thrash sound this time around bu their Motorhead-styled riffs are s present as ever before, so "Unexpcted Fate" gets a massive thumbs up.

Onslaught - Live Damnation: Its kind of cheating to include live albums here, but y'know... fuck it. I was actually at this show and I have to say that, from first-hand experience, this fucking rips. Sy Keeler and Andy Rosser-Davies in particular are on prime form and Andy Sneap did a fantastic production job here. Probably one of the best live albums you'll ever come across from one of the best bands you'll ever hear.

Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague: Well... it's Cannibal Corpse. You're not going to find anything radically different from their previous album here but saying that, its a solid slab of aggressive, heavy music that only Cannibal Corpse can deliver this way. Often imitated, seldom bettered - a good release so long as you do't expect anything too new.

Destruction - The Curse of the Antichrist (Live in Agony): Well fuck me sideways with a tank! This 2CD live album is quite the bundle of thrashing joy, with tracks spanning Destruction's entire career being featured and some spectacular performances. It's a shame that it feels a little short, as it only contains tracks from Wacken and Tokyo when an L.A show was intended to be included too, but this does very little to detract from the quality that lies here. It's Destruction, you know exactly what you're in for - brilliance.
In no particular order...

Den Saakaldte - All Hail Pessimism
Absu - Absu
Gorod - The Process of a New Decline
Megadeth - Endgame
Anaal Nathrakh - In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague
Shining - Klagopsalmer
Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
No particular order:
Infected Nations - Evile
Welccome To The Masquarde - Thousand Foot Krutch
TFTGIS - Gama Bomb
Endgame - Megadeth

I also like that White Wizzard EP a lot.

And yeah, I just got into metal so I can't say I have a lot to choose from.
Evile - Infected Nations
Devin Townsend - Addicted
Manchester Orchesta - Mean Everything To Nothing
Mastodon - Crack The Skye
Devildriver - Pray For Villains
Gorgoroth - Quantos Possunt ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Lamb Of God - Wrath
Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
KISS - Sonic Boom
Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow
Thats quite a good post there Dave, I will be sure to look out for some of those bands you were talking about,

Well here are my top 5

1) Evile -Infected Nations: such a huge step forward, showing maturity and excellent penmanship and musically evolved progression from ETG, Never in a million years did any of us expect such a dramatic step forward, it would have been easy to say "Lets stick by what we know" and stay safe, thankfully this move paid off and it's rightly heralded as one of the best releases of 2009

2) Katatonia - Night Is The New Day:

3) Paradise Lost - Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us

4) Municipal Waste - Massive Aggressor

5) Gamma Bomb - Tales From The Grave In Space (It's gets 5th place because it was free and that deserves a thumbs up in my book)
Infected Nations - Evile
Waking into Nightmares - Warbringer
Black Sails at Midnight - Alestorm
Those Whom the Gods Detest - Nile
Evisceration Plague - Cannibal Corpse
TFTGIS - Gama Bomb
Holy shit, Dave, I'm just checking out the Vektor album on the strength of your review, it absolutely SHREDS. I'll be picking this up ASAP...

The CD I have consistently enjoyed the most from this year is probably Mutant's Laserdrome. It's great, but too short. My favourite full album is Endgame. Listened to it heaps, Megadeth's best for years.
In no particular order:

Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Evile - Infected Nations
Vektor - Black Future
Baroness - Blue Record
Gama Bomb - Tales from the Grave in Space
Mutant - Laserdrome
Megadeth - Endgame
While I agree with you to certain extent, that's a shame. There's so many great bands around these days! Some fantastic albums have come out this year.

I do sometimes try to keep up with the new stuff, but I just end up discovering albums from like the 80s that are far better, then end up thinking that "why bother checking out this new stuff, when I can find stuff I like 10 times better from the past?"
Top 5 is now :

Evile - Infected Nations
Mastodon - Crack the Skye
Dream Theater - Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Megadeth - Endgame
Vektor - Black Future

My god Black Future is awesome :lol:
(4th place is a tie between the two lol)
In no particular order...

Den Saakaldte - All Hail Pessimism
Absu - Absu
Gorod - The Process of a New Decline
Megadeth - Endgame
Anaal Nathrakh - In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague
Shining - Klagopsalmer
Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire

As the year is now officially over I'd like to make an announcement... Podgie's album of the year award 2009... Is a two way tie!

Between Ahab's The Divinity Of Oceans


One of the greatest doom metal albums I have ever heard, such a powerful record, in every department. This is a massive, melodic, masterful, mature and by all means quality album; I cannot recommend it highly enough, even for those who are not fond of this genre. The MIGHTY Ahab are definitely a band to look out for in the future. (Though I don't think funeral doom is ever going to make it to Download any time soon :lol:)

and Absu's Absu


Every single time I listen to this album I think "this is definitely my favourite album of the year" - I just can't stress enough how much I enjoy it, still! It's like, Emperor, meets Slayer, with a touch of Melechesh. The album features the best production the band have ever had, and where some fans saw that as a negative, I see it as a definite plus. The overall atmosphere of the album is great. The clarity of Procsriptor's drumming is very refreshing as well, especially as on previous releases it wasn't so prominent, which I found disappointing.
I do sometimes try to keep up with the new stuff, but I just end up discovering albums from like the 80s that are far better, then end up thinking that "why bother checking out this new stuff, when I can find stuff I like 10 times better from the past?"

You fucking disgust me. Yeah it's a fact that older records will almost always be better than anything we get now, but that's no reason to boycott new music. All (good) new artists need support, and you're oviously a bit of a hypocrite in saying this since you're on the Evile forum.

Support the new stuff for fuck's sake, if you ignore it then the music industry will disappear.
You fucking disgust me. Yeah it's a fact that older records will almost always be better than anything we get now, but that's no reason to boycott new music. All (good) new artists need support, and you're oviously a bit of a hypocrite in saying this since you're on the Evile forum.

Support the new stuff for fuck's sake, if you ignore it then the music industry will disappear.

I'm sorry if I offended, but I think you've got the wrong idea. I haven't abandoned new music, I was just saying I listen to older records more (which judging by the Last Album listened to thread, most other people here do). I still take an interest in new music, I support my local music scene and unsigned bands. I get as pissed off as you do when people ignore their local music scene and just listen to music off the major labels, as I agree, that is killing the music industry.