album of the year 2004

ikeaboy said:
i think that was meant for me, sure who else?, aint it always, im never left alone :Smug:
sure this lot are always niggling at you for no reason at all. i dont know how you put up with it at all, ye must have the patience of a saint :Saint:
snow2fall said:
Aww, poor you. I'm sure Gorik was just worried about you and that rather abnormal friendliness of yours. Are you alright, Ado?! :hypno:

for the 1st time in my e-life im stumped on how to reply to this :Smug:
snow2fall said:
Of course it's horrible and shocking and sad and all that, but making a fuss about it won't change anything about the situation.

Ehh? It might ensure enough funds to keep epidemics from breaking out and build homes for the millions left homeless, but I guess it's no big thing compared to people eating meat :ill:
Allan said:
Ehh? It might ensure enough funds to keep epidemics from breaking out and build homes for the millions left homeless, but I guess it's no big thing compared to people eating meat :ill:
Your disbelief wrapped in sarcasm compliments mine. So many people seem to have weird value systems :hypno:
Allan said:
Ehh? It might ensure enough funds to keep epidemics from breaking out and build homes for the millions left homeless, but I guess it's no big thing compared to people eating meat :ill:
Countless people starve every day, they die of infectious diseases, their houses are blown up, or they lose their homes in natural disasters. It's a shame it takes the killing of thousands in a catastrophe like this to make people become aware of how lucky they are - and how unlucky people are in other places of the world.
So you only feel sorry and donate money now that you see pictures of dead bodies and homeless people on tv all day, or do you also care about the poor and miserable that get less media attention just because the way their life was ruined is less dramatic?!
I voiced that exact opinion in that other thread weeks ago, but you managed to do it with a cynicism beyond belief. Most of the victims here (in Sri Lanka and Indonesia) were already in dire need of help, and the tsunami left them on edge of instinction. If we do not get immediate help these areas, hundreds of thousands very saveable lives will be lost. Right now that should be the priority (even more since intense media coverage and the "closeness" of it has made the public very charitable), I too fear it will be hard gathering support for later humanitarian efforts for people dying of less spectacular catastrophies, but it was already. Taking the frustration of that out on suffering people in Asia, downplaying their very real need for help, is so wrong that I can't repeat it enough times.
bleh This disaster was too mainstream, its being promoted by major label charities. Personally, i prefer to feel self righteous about the underground ones that most people dont support, it preserves my cynical view of humanity.

Actually Im trying to help a few other lads organise an event to raise some funds for this but at the current rate i think we'd be better off just reaching into our pockets and shelling out, it looks like a lot of effort for very little return. Some of them already support an orphanage in sumatra so hopefully if it goes ahead 100% of whats raised will go where its needed unlike with the big charities
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