Albums currently kicking your ass

I'm sorry your ears had to be subjected to clean vocals for like 1/100 of the album.

One of the fucking members of the band recorded the s/t with them because he didn't want TUK to be the way they were remembered. He even posted a thread about it here when he left again. He was embarassed of the album.

What an amazing album.:headbang: So many great songs, Thrashers, The Ultraviolence and of course, Kill as One!
One of the fucking members of the band recorded the s/t with them because he didn't want TUK to be the way they were remembered. He even posted a thread about it here when he left again. He was embarassed of the album.

Different strokes for different folks eh? I do wish that when a band has a minority of the original members that they would just go ahead and change the band name.
Different strokes for different folks eh? I do wish that when a band has a minority of the original members that they would just go ahead and change the band name.

Kinda depends on if the sound changes, doesn't it? Look at Gorgoroth or Dying Fetus.


Lazarus Blackstar - Funeral Voyeur

Some bands have a sound you can listen to in ANY mood. That's these guys for me.